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Thursday, April 02, 2015

Easter message from the Church Director

Happy Easter!

Easter brings us joy and hope in Jesus. We have a problem in the United States called secular humanism. This problem has infected the church in many ways. Attendance at Mass is down, reception of the sacraments is down, families willing to allow their sons and daughters to become priests or religious is down, the list goes on and on. However, the church is resilient. We will overcome with the knowledge of our Lord and the hope and joy we receive from Him and the Holy Spirit.

As the Easter season begins, look at ways that your councils can encourage hope and joy in Christ. Begin new programs of prayer in your councils and parishes. The message of Easter should bring great hope even in the face of discouragement. It is up to each of us to bring this hope to all of God's people.

I extend the blessings of the Easter joy to all of you and those you love. Let us continue the journey of bringing the gospel message of Jesus to all the world.

Deacon Bruce Bennett, EdD
AZ Church Director, Knights of Columbus
Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus Council 3121


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