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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Catholic News Service

An article posted by the Catholic News Service highlights the charitable giving and service of the Knights.

The full article is available on the Catholic Sun website:

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Work Party - Tucson

Description: Knights of Columbus Work Party at Casa De Jose in Tucson
Knights from Our Lady of the Valley Council #6842 in Green Valley & Bishop Francis J Green Council #11855 at Saints Peter & Paul in Tucson came together to spread gravel and do yard work for a group of retired Capuchin Priests. Twenty-Three Knights (& ten wheel barrows) turned out and made short order of spreading the 10 tons of pea gravel. Each Council donated $100 to cover the cost of the gravel.

One of the most impressive things was that on the day before Fathers' Day, there were five sets of Fathers & Sons from Council 11855 in action- Joe & Pete Paddock, Rick & Fred Riess, James & Matt Wiseley, Robert & Konnor Roll, Bill & Billy Barrett.

Photo 1)  Worthy State & Council 11855 Chaplain Fr Crino stands in the center of the work crew. He is clearly the hardest working State Chaplain in the order and perhaps the only gravel spreading one too!

Photo 2) Front yard of the retirement home

Photo 3) Side yard of the Retirement home

Photo 4) The 10 ton pile of gravel
Photo 5) GK Dean Moulis of Council 6842 in Green Valley directed the work crew

Photo 6) Final Clean-up



Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Independence Day Mass - Ss Simon and Jude

Arizona Rosary Celebration

Be sure you have marked your Calendars for this years Arizona Rosary Celebration which will take place on October 24-25, 2015.

Also be sure and note the dates for planning meeting in the Newsletter. 

The NEXT Meeting for TUCSON is June 27, 2015.

The NEXT Meeting for Phoenix is June 27, 2015.

Be sure your Council and Assembly are represented at these meetings.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Special Olympics Softball - Tucson

On Saturday, 6/13/15, at 0900, the Special Olympics "Team USA" played a scrimmage with the Subway Tucson team.
This event was held at the "Field of Dreams" ballpark in Tucson and went from 0900 until around 1200 (noon).
Team USA consists of Athletes from the Tucson, Phoenix, and Flagstaff areas and will be representing the United States (and Arizona) at this years Special Olympics World Games.
The World Games is being held in Los Angeles, California  this year and goes from July 25th through August 2nd.

ESPN is capturing everything before and during the competition.  Check out athlete stories, World Games news and more on the Special Olympics ESPN channel!

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Tucson Ordination photos


1.)  Alan Valencia, a member of Francis J. Green, Council 11855, at SS Peter and Paul parish in Tucson, approaches the altar at St. Augustine Cathedral for his ordination.


2.)  Sir Knights receive instruction before Alan Valencia's ordination. 


3.)  Twenty four Sir Knights from eight Assemblies throughout Southern Arizona participated in the Mass of Ordination for brother Knight Fr. Alan Valencia from Sacred Heart parish in Nogales, AZ.



Friday, June 05, 2015

Council 1032 and Bishop Francis J. Green Assembly in Knightline

Council 1032 and Assembly 13 Arizona in June 20154 Knightline.

Tom Kalisz
State Treasurer
Knights of Columbus
Arizona State Council 

Supreme State Deputies' meeting in New Haven CT


This morning, Teresa and I had the pleasure to attend the State Deputies' Installation Mass at St. Mary's Church. Supreme Chaplain His Excellency William Lori, Arch Bishop of the Diocese of Baltimore celebrated the Mass. Every State Deputy in the Order was present, along with all the Supreme Officers and Directors. It was beautiful!

Afterwards, Teresa and I were able to visit the tomb of our founder, Fr. Michael J McGivney

This is a very special way to start our meetings. I hope to come away with a renewed excitement and drive to continue to strengthen our Order and programs in Arizona.

I will choose Christ
I will choose love
I choose to serve

Vivat Jesus!
Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Knights' donation

Fourth Degree Knights of Fr. Henry Miller, Assembly 2308, in northwest Tucson present a donation for the Fisher House to Dana Staggs who is coordinating local Fisher House project efforts.

   (l-r) FN-elect Henry Andrade, FN Chester DeSantis, Staggs, FDM and VA volunteer Jim Maino.

   Fisher House is seeking to raise $2.7 million from businesses and civic groups to help house family members of out of town Veteran patients.  The building is on the Tucson Veterans Hospital grounds.  

   Knights of Columbus are playing an integral part in raising Fisher House funds.  

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

2014-2015 Service Awards

Thank you to all the councils and the work that you have put in this last fraternal year! 

Here are the Service Awards handed out at the 108th Annual Arizona State Convention:

1) Navarrete Vocations Program Award -  St. Paul Council 15001 - Phoenix, AZ
If you have participated in the annual “Nuns Run” for the Poor Clare Nuns held at the Tempe Kiwanis Park you will recognize these Knights volunteering across this event. This council also provided vocations support in many areas. They sponsored an annual Seminarian luncheon. They also sponsor a dinner for young men discerning the Priesthood as a vocation. They contributed funds to the Military Vocations scholarship Fund, as well as directly to seminarians.  
Grand Knight Greg Vanek - DD 25 John McNulty

2) Pro-Life Program Award - Holy Cross Council 7904 - Mesa, AZ
This council did numerous Pro-Life projects throughout the year, including hosting a Pro-Life dinner, maintained the Floral display at the Knights of Columbus Tomb for the Unborn at their Parish, distributed 2,500 KofC Prayer for Peace prayer cards, providing buses and ushers at the Arizona Rosary Celebration, distributed over 1,000 roses on Mother’s Day, built signs and participated in Pro-Life rallies, and donated several thousand dollars to needed Pro-Life causes. 
Grand Knight Timothy G McDonald - DD 27 Bill Richie

3) Church Service Program Award - Roy Champeau Council 8077 - Tucson, AZ
This Council was heavily involved with organizing and hosting the First Annual Tucson Men’s conference held at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Tucson. They prepared and served the lunch, arranged the Mass and worked with the Diocese and other Councils to schedule speakers, musicians, and sound for the conference
Grand Knight Tom Camenisch -  DD 4 William Barrett III

4) Community Service Program Award - Pope Pius XII Council 4737 - Goodyear, AZ
This Council sponsored a Turkey Shoot Bingo event to raise funds and food to prepare and deliver food baskets at Christmas.  Participants at this events competed to win 45 Turkeys that were donated by members.  Desserts and beverages were also sold to the 150 participants. In total $950 in cash was raised which became 37 food baskets that were then delivered to needy families in the community on December 20th, in time for Christmas Dinner.
Grand Knight Pasqual Rudolfo DD 28 Joseph Kramer

5) Council Service Program Award - St. Joan of Arc Council 14357 - Phoenix, AZ
The St. Michael’s Indian School Project.  Council members lead the annual drive to adopt families on the Navajo Indian Reservation.  In late summer of each year planning is begun with nominations coming from the Indian communities themselves.  What began in 2002 with 25 families near Window Rock has grown to include over 200 families at St Michaels, St. Mary Mission in Thatchi NM, and St Patrick Mission in Vanderwagen NM.  On the first weekend in December members and parishioners make the 13 hour, 350 mile journey to deliver the clothing, food and other items for the adopted families. 
Grand Knight Rick Flores DD 25  John McNulty

6) Culture of Life Service Program Award - Corpus Christi Council 10062 - Phoenix, AZ
Each year this Council purchases over 1200 roses at discounted prices and hands them out at each morning Mass on Mother’s day.  They do not charge but only accept donations.  Last year the donations exceeded $1,000 and were used to support the Right to Life and Respect Life ministries. All the expenses for the roses are paid by the Council with all donations going to other ministries.
Grand Knight Doug McCarty DD 22 Tom Kato

7) Family Service Program Award - Bishop Salpointe Council 4584 - Sierra Vista, AZ
This Council participated in the Parish Ministry Fair and Parish Picnic in September.  They cooked and served 400 hamburgers and 300 hot dogs donated by the Council to Parish members. Hosting booths promoting the Knights of Columbus, the Arizona Rosary Celebration and assisting in set up and clean up of the event.  As a result of seeing Knights in Action several parishioners joined the Knights of Columbus.
Grand Knight Charles A Pisani SR DD 1 Lawrence Powers

8) Youth Service Program Award - St. Anne Council 10540 - Gilbert, AZ
In support of the Parish Youth Director this Council assisted in a Youth Picnic and Paintball event held at the end of the class year and start of the summer break.  The Council also assists on a monthly basis to cook one meal for the teens and ice cream socials for other groups
Grand Knight Chris Schwarz DD 8 Tony Dickherber

2014-2015 State Convention Wrap Up

The 108th Annual Arizona State Convention was a great success! Thank you to all who helped make this years gathering of Knights from around the great state of Arizona a hit!

Here are the  slides from Friday Afternoon:
ARC and Radio Family Rosary
Saint Joseph Youth Camp

Saturday Morning Presentations:
Culture of Life
4th Degree
General and Community Programs
Silver Rose
Soccer and Free Throw Challenges
Tucson Chapter Report
State Raffle

Saturday Afternoon:
2015 Organizational Meeting
2016 State Convention

We talk about our support of our priests and have a wonderful opportunity to put our words into action. Please review the attached documents and see if your council or district can participate in some way. 

The only Marian Shrine I am familiar with is in Hereford. Maybe we could all rally behind the councils down south and coordinate a rosary. Please discuss with your councils and plan accordingly.

Vivat Jesus,
Dcn. Bruce Bennett, EdD
AZ Church Director

Annual Global Rosary Relay for Priests

The Annual Global Rosary Relay idea is a simple one: in that each of the 84 participating shrines in 46 countries prays a particular mystery of the Rosary at a particular half hour on the day in thanksgiving to God for our priests and to implore the protection and loving care of Our Lady, Mother of all priests, for all her priestly sons. With the coming of midnight on the 12th June 2015, the entire world, by then, will have been encircled in prayer for our priests on this The Annual Rosary Relay Day.
It was the great Irish priest Fr. Patrick Peyton who never tired of saying that: 'The Family that prays together stays together.' As the family of the Church, you are invited to join our prayers to the prayers of millions throughout the world on 12th June 2015. It is an opportunity for us to raise our hearts to God for all priests in the exercise of their ministry; that they will be blessed, through our prayers, with God's grace for their priesthood; that in this worldwide communion of prayer for them, they may experience our gratitude and support; and finally that they will persevere in unity with Christ and his Church and shepherd the Lord's flock to the safe pastures of his Kingdom.

"I am happy to support and highly recommend the current initiative of The Worldwide Rosary Relay. I believe it has great potential and will bring many spiritual benefits to all involved". --Michael Neary 

Monday, June 01, 2015

State Deputy Message - June 2015

 June 1, 2015 
June is a month that you can set aside to take a breath and relax. This is the month when the Sun really heats up our great state of Arizona. This is a month when we think of vacations and BBQs. June is also a month to reflect on the bountiful blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us. This is the time to pray for our country and for our Church. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson says, “Let us all as Knights redouble our efforts as men of faith – and men of action based on that faith.” Remember that the Lord gave us everything to make our lives wonderful. Please take time to pray for the strength of our Order and that we can continue to do the work we do for generations to come. 

The State Convention was a huge success! It was as successful as it was because of all you Brother Knights. I believe we had a very positive and meaningful meeting. We had fun at the award banquets and fun in our fraternal fellowship. I am very humbled to be re-elected as your State Deputy. This is an honor to continue to serve you. I promise to do the very best that I can to help our great jurisdiction to be as successful as we possibly can in our programs and growth. I know that my fellow State Officers also are humbled and proud to serve you, as well. I’d like to welcome State Warden-elect Luigi Baratta aboard! I believe he will prove to be a great leader in our state’s future. 

I am heading off to New Haven, Connecticut, for the Supreme State Deputy’s Meeting on June 4 to 7. Our State Secretary, State Advocate, State Membership Director and State Program Director will be heading to Dallas, Texas, on June 12 & 13 for the Supreme Membership and Program Meeting. We will all be learning how to better serve you and direct the future of our great state. We are all looking forward to a great 2015-2016 fraternal year! 

We are sooooooo close to meeting the State’s Supreme membership quota and having 32 councils earn the Star Council Award this year. Please pull out all the stops to meet your council’s membership and insurance quotas and submit all the necessary Supreme forms. We could have an even stronger year than we planned. Please send all Form 100’s for new members to membershiprecords@kofc.org as soon as you can. Get those Columbian Award Application SP-7 forms turned in now. Please don’t wait to the last days of June, because you are at risk of Supreme not receiving them in time. 

Remember that by living our State theme, “I will choose Christ, I will choose love, I choose to serve”, you and your council will exemplify our four principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. With this, your current members and your new members can be an enormous force for good in your council, Church, family, and community. 

Vivat Jesus! 

Larry Becker 
State Deputy