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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Work Party - Tucson

Description: Knights of Columbus Work Party at Casa De Jose in Tucson
Knights from Our Lady of the Valley Council #6842 in Green Valley & Bishop Francis J Green Council #11855 at Saints Peter & Paul in Tucson came together to spread gravel and do yard work for a group of retired Capuchin Priests. Twenty-Three Knights (& ten wheel barrows) turned out and made short order of spreading the 10 tons of pea gravel. Each Council donated $100 to cover the cost of the gravel.

One of the most impressive things was that on the day before Fathers' Day, there were five sets of Fathers & Sons from Council 11855 in action- Joe & Pete Paddock, Rick & Fred Riess, James & Matt Wiseley, Robert & Konnor Roll, Bill & Billy Barrett.

Photo 1)  Worthy State & Council 11855 Chaplain Fr Crino stands in the center of the work crew. He is clearly the hardest working State Chaplain in the order and perhaps the only gravel spreading one too!

Photo 2) Front yard of the retirement home

Photo 3) Side yard of the Retirement home

Photo 4) The 10 ton pile of gravel
Photo 5) GK Dean Moulis of Council 6842 in Green Valley directed the work crew

Photo 6) Final Clean-up




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