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Monday, June 01, 2015

State Deputy Message - June 2015

 June 1, 2015 
June is a month that you can set aside to take a breath and relax. This is the month when the Sun really heats up our great state of Arizona. This is a month when we think of vacations and BBQs. June is also a month to reflect on the bountiful blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us. This is the time to pray for our country and for our Church. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson says, “Let us all as Knights redouble our efforts as men of faith – and men of action based on that faith.” Remember that the Lord gave us everything to make our lives wonderful. Please take time to pray for the strength of our Order and that we can continue to do the work we do for generations to come. 

The State Convention was a huge success! It was as successful as it was because of all you Brother Knights. I believe we had a very positive and meaningful meeting. We had fun at the award banquets and fun in our fraternal fellowship. I am very humbled to be re-elected as your State Deputy. This is an honor to continue to serve you. I promise to do the very best that I can to help our great jurisdiction to be as successful as we possibly can in our programs and growth. I know that my fellow State Officers also are humbled and proud to serve you, as well. I’d like to welcome State Warden-elect Luigi Baratta aboard! I believe he will prove to be a great leader in our state’s future. 

I am heading off to New Haven, Connecticut, for the Supreme State Deputy’s Meeting on June 4 to 7. Our State Secretary, State Advocate, State Membership Director and State Program Director will be heading to Dallas, Texas, on June 12 & 13 for the Supreme Membership and Program Meeting. We will all be learning how to better serve you and direct the future of our great state. We are all looking forward to a great 2015-2016 fraternal year! 

We are sooooooo close to meeting the State’s Supreme membership quota and having 32 councils earn the Star Council Award this year. Please pull out all the stops to meet your council’s membership and insurance quotas and submit all the necessary Supreme forms. We could have an even stronger year than we planned. Please send all Form 100’s for new members to membershiprecords@kofc.org as soon as you can. Get those Columbian Award Application SP-7 forms turned in now. Please don’t wait to the last days of June, because you are at risk of Supreme not receiving them in time. 

Remember that by living our State theme, “I will choose Christ, I will choose love, I choose to serve”, you and your council will exemplify our four principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. With this, your current members and your new members can be an enormous force for good in your council, Church, family, and community. 

Vivat Jesus! 

Larry Becker 
State Deputy 


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