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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Special Olympics

Good Morning Brothers,
       The 2015 - 2016 Special Olympics year is starting soon.
Attached is the Tentative Coronado Area schedule of competitions for this Olympic Year.
Please pass this information along to all Councils and let's make this year a banner year for Volunteering.

For more information, please visit the Special Olympics Arizona Web Site at "http://www.specialolympicsarizona.org/events".

God Bless and Vivat Jesus,


Kevin Donnelly
State Special Olympics Chairman
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (520) 370-9041

(See attached file: 2015-2016 Coronado Area Competition Calendar.doc)

KofC 2015 Supreme Convention on EWTN August 4 to 6, 2015



The Arizona Delegates to the 2015 Supreme Convention, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, are preparing for an exciting and meaningful meeting. The Supreme Convention will be held from Tuesday August 4 to Thursday August 6, 2015. You have an opportunity to join us via TV! Here is the web-link to EWTN: http://www.ewtn.com/multimedia/schedules.asp?weeknum=1&date=08/06/2015&sat=DOME&alerted=1  Please check your local listings for the time of each program. You can DVR the programs if they are on while you are at work or away from your TV.


You will be able to view the following programs:

·         Tuesday August 4





·         Wednesday August 5


·         Thursday August 6



Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.


Vivat Jesus!


Larry Becker

State Deputy

Arizona State Council




Wednesday, July 22, 2015

4th of July

  Sir Knights from Arizona Districts North, Central and South participated in

"The best Fourth of July parade in America" according to Travel and Leisure magazine earlier this month.  

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

KofC Arizona State Council and "40 Days for Life" Knight Shift on October 16 at Planned Parenthood, Tempe, Arizona


Once again, the Arizona State Council and “40 Days for Life” are joining forces to conduct a “Knight Shift”. Please see the attached flyer. Please share this message at your District, Council, and Assembly Meetings.

All Brother Knights and their families are invited to attend and pray lifesaving Rosaries for the unborn. This is a very important event showing our Unity in the battle for life, against the evil of abortion. Please search in your heart to sign up for a 2 hour session to pray the Rosary throughout the night of October 16-17, 2015. My wife Teresa and I will be there praying. Please join us. We promised to pray the Rosary often. Here is an excellent opportunity to do so to help lives. Please use the “Sign Up Genius” link below to sign up. If a time slot is full, please consider signing up for a different slot. We need them all filled. If they are all filled, please join us when you can. The more Prayer Warriors the better!

Knight Shift
7:00 pm Friday, October 16, 2015, to 7:00am Saturday, October 17, 2015
Planned Parenthood
1250 East Apache Boulevard
Tempe, Arizona

7:00pm Prayer begins with the Most Rev. Thomas Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix
Guest Speaker:  Larry Becker, State Deputy, Arizona State Council, Knights of Columbus

To Sign up for the Knight Shift:  www.SignUpGenius.com/go/20F0D4BACAE22A5FC1-knight

Please contact Arizona Knights of Columbus State Chairman Mike Rimbey for any questions or concerns at MikeRimbey@aol.com or Cell: 602-510-0768

Lisa Blevins, Tempe Campaign Director, 40 Days for Life www.40daysforlife.com/tempe  http://youtu.be/H_Bos1cn5ro stated,

“The Knight Shift at a “40 Days for Life” Vigil has a special character all its own. The abortion center is usually closed and the surrounding area is quieter; perfect conditions for silent, prayerful reflection on the evil that we seek God’s intervention to end.

Thank you for your witness. Thanks to all the men on the Knight Shift at “40 Days for Life” Vigil this Fall — and special thanks to the Knights of Columbus organization, which proclaims itself “uncompromisingly pro-life,” and for listing “40 Days for Life” as a recommended pro-life link on its Supreme web site.”

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona Sate Council

KofC AZ Culture of Life Activity: "Choose Life" License Plate Project


Here is an excellent and very easy Culture of Life activity that you and your council can do at no cost to your council and with very little effort! All you need to do is hand out cards advertising the “Choose Life” license plate. There are no names or money to collect. You will be directing people to go to a website to sign up for a the license plate from A.D.O.T.  This is a great way for people to show an outward sign that they are Pro-Life, for everyone to see while they are driving. I have these license plates on all 3 cars parked in my driveway.

The Arizona Life Coalition earns $17.00 for every plate ordered. Every year thereafter, when the owner renews their license plate, the coalition earns another $17.00.  If every council in Arizona had 5 people sign up for the plate, the coalition will earn over $12,000.00. They will get this year over year when people renew their plates. These funds are used for Pro-Life services throughout Arizona.

Here’s the plan:
  • By August 16, please contact State Program Chairman Chet Yancy, at CRYancy@aol.com , to let him know that your council wants to do this activity on a weekend, at your parish, between September 19 to October 19, 2015. You have 5 weekends to pick from.
  • We will get you 2,000 post cards that advertise the “Choose Life” license plate. See attached. (We are only ordering enough cards to cover the councils that report back to Brother Chet by August 16.)
  • Schedule a pulpit announcement the weekend of your project, saying your council will be handing these cards out after the Masses.
  • You should ask to show the 3 minute video during each Mass, found at this link  https://vimeo.com/126832052  to explain to the Parish the purpose of and how easy it is to order these license plates.
  • Hand out the cards as people exit the Church. Show them the website address on the card. This is the website to purchase the license plate for their car.
  • That’s it! There are no name lists to keep or money to handle. Nothing to turn back to the State Council. Just hand out all of the cards!

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona Sate Council

Monday, July 20, 2015

KofC Participation at the Diocese of Phoenix Catholic Committee on Scouting


You, your council’s youth director, and other council officers are cordially invited to attend the Diocese of Phoenix Catholic Committee on Scouting’s “Bishop’s Dinner 2015 - Celebrating Our Call to Serve” at Mt. Claret Retreat Center, 4633 N 54th St, Phoenix, on Thursday, September 10, 2015. Please join in the acknowledgement of Catholic scouts earning the Eagle Scout rank, Gold Award and Stars and Stripes Award during the past year and presentation of the adult leader recognitions. The evening begins with a gathering at 5:30 PM, opening and dinner at 6:15 PM, and the main program at 7:15 PM.

I invite you to join me at this dinner. Your pastor has been invited to attend as well. Perhaps your council would consider extending an invitation to pay for the pastor’s dinner and offer to escort him to the event. If your parish has a Scout unit, you may want to coordinate with the unit committee to sponsor the pastor, deacon or youth minister.

To further support this cause, I encourage your council to purchase an ad in the dinner’s program book.

Please review and complete the attached forms for your reservations &/or ad for the program book.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy

Arizona Sate Council

2015 Arizona KofC Culture of Life Ultrasound Initiative


At the 2015 Arizona State Council Organizational Meeting, in Tucson, on July 11, the Culture of Life Ultrasound Initiative was initiated. Please read the attached document that gives the details of this program. I encourage every council and assembly in Arizona to support this important lifesaving program.

Please direct any questions on this program to State Ultrasound Chairman Ron Cacini at ronccini@gmail.com or (480) 220-2795.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona Sate Council

Sunday, July 12, 2015

New Twitter Post!!!

Is Program Director Chet Yancy changing allegiances??? #azkofc http://t.co/qzdZHHMYUg July 12, 2015 at 10:00AM

New Twitter Post!!!

DD meeting with Supreme Representative Jose Jimenez. #azkofc http://t.co/h923bPTgv2 July 12, 2015 at 09:19AM

Saturday, July 11, 2015

New Twitter Post!!!

District Master Bob Holsinger on the importance of the Patriotic Degree! #azkofc http://t.co/3ucwwv4Dcq July 11, 2015 at 03:20PM

New Twitter Post!!!

Tyson Gentz talking about St. Joseph Youth Camp! #azkofc http://t.co/3EttzBrl0l July 11, 2015 at 02:34PM

New Twitter Post!!!

State Soccer Challenge with Joe Danko #azkofc http://t.co/fLRxMUQaeq July 11, 2015 at 02:19PM

New Twitter Post!!!

Running of the Silver Rose - August 30 - September 20 in Arizona with Bob Julien #azkofc http://t.co/jaHR1t2g3p July 11, 2015 at 02:13PM

New Twitter Post!!!

Knights at the Ballpark - August 29! #azkofc July 11, 2015 at 02:12PM

New Twitter Post!!!

Holy Family for Marian Hour with Bryant Sayers #azkofc http://t.co/BSqxWwjh4S July 11, 2015 at 02:03PM

New Twitter Post!!!

Deacon Dr. Bruce Bennett Church Director - Grow in Faith! #azkofc http://t.co/6JqF49Milx July 11, 2015 at 01:55PM

New Twitter Post!!!

Are you an Organ Donor? Jay McCall can tell you how you can sign up! #azkofc http://t.co/1vmF6BU394 July 11, 2015 at 01:53PM

New Twitter Post!!!

Doug Cook talking about how Councils can help out in case of disaster. #azkofc http://t.co/K8fY5gYIgK July 11, 2015 at 01:50PM

New Twitter Post!!!

Ken Gallagher talking about PWID #azkofc http://t.co/bdDoj96cuE July 11, 2015 at 01:27PM

New Twitter Post!!!

Program Director Chet Yancy on building successful programs to achieve Star Council #azkofc http://t.co/gWQMluMhY8 July 11, 2015 at 01:05PM

New Twitter Post!!!

Larry Costanzo talking about Arizona Rosary Celebration - October 23-24 PHX, TUC - http://t.co/fAEPnogpKa #azkofc http://t.co/x1VT4h1jxp July 11, 2015 at 11:47AM

New Twitter Post!!!

General Agent Nate Raso discussing the importance of Fraternal Benefits. #azkofc http://t.co/Pvci0jKuTE July 11, 2015 at 11:44AM

New Twitter Post!!!

Arizona Star Recruiter Pin - Earn yours now!!!!! #azkofc http://t.co/Y9YtqVMbgJ July 11, 2015 at 11:26AM

New Twitter Post!!!

Ceremonial Chairman Ray Obral talking about the new names for the degrees. #azkofc http://t.co/hu6S15NlaV July 11, 2015 at 10:45AM

New Twitter Post!!!

Mike Kingman talking about New Council Development - Next Friday, the goal will be reached!!! #azkofc http://t.co/8YMtrxy7qB July 11, 2015 at 10:29AM

New Twitter Post!!!

Jack Crosson's Top Ten Retention Tips! #azkofc http://t.co/cnaqa0hMCx July 11, 2015 at 10:19AM

New Twitter Post!!!

Talking Membership at the AZ State Org Meeting - Kevin McCarthy #azkofc http://t.co/QQeq4gJewp July 11, 2015 at 09:19AM

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

2015 Arizona State Organization Meeting

Congratulations to the newly elected State Officers for the 2015-2016 Fraternal Year!!!

Fr. Bishop Francis J Green Council 11855 are the proud hosts for the 2015 Arizona State Council Organization Meeting occurring July 10-12 in Tucson Arizona.

All District Deputies are required to attend this meeting and all other brother knights are welcome to participate.

Please download the registration document for more information.

Knights Treat Vets to Ice Cream for Inde[pendence Day #AZKA

Sir Knights put on an ice cream social at the Arizona Veterans Home in Tucson on Friday July 3, 2015. They served ice cream, snacks and soft drinks to a gathering of veteran men and women. The event was sponsored by the Msgr. James T. Weber Assembly #2152 in Tucson.

Visit www.weberassembly.com to see more photos.

Friday, July 03, 2015

Rim Catholic Radio Photos

Here are two photos from this afternoon, taken at the new Rim Catholic Radio studio here in Payson.  One photo shows the studio sign that identifies our affiliation with Immaculate Heart Radio.  The other photo shows our 4 Council 9995 members with the check that K of C Arizona Charities so generously provided.  Thank you again for your help in making that happen.


Vivat Jesus, 


Pete Dohms

Lecturer, Council 9995


Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Knight Honored - Pete Martinez

On June 30, SK Pete Martinez will be honored by ABC15 and Sanderson Ford as part of their "Salute to Veterans" segment on Sonoran Live. Pete was one of six Veterans selected and he will be interviewed live on their show. Pete will also be honored for the entire week of June 30 to July 5th.

I will be posting more information on our Facebook Page as it gets closer. Knights of Columbus Council 13836
Here is the link to the recent TV appearance.

Nick Nebelsky
Deputy Grand Knight
St. John Paul The Great Council #13836
Resurrection Church, Tempe, AZ

State Deputy Message - July 2015

July 1, 2015


Thank you so much for putting huge efforts towards meeting your council’s Star Council Award. We are still tallying the year end results to see who earned this prestigious award. Once the dust settles, we will send you the final results.  I expect excellent results for Arizona! The 2014-2015 fraternal year was wonderful. Thank you for working with your State Leadership team to help strengthen and grow the Order in Arizona; to be an enormous force for good in your council, Church, family, and community.

I welcome all Brother Knights to attend the 2015-2016 Arizona State Council Organizational Meeting. This meeting is designed especially for our District Deputies to learn of the goals and theme for the new fraternal year. They will be given many tools to help your council grow in strength. You are welcome to attend the meeting on Saturday July 11, 2015, starting at 8:00AM, at Ss. Peter’s and Paul’s Catholic Church, 1946 E Lee St., Tucson, Arizona. You can find the registration information on the State website. I hope to see you there!

Starting with your July 2015 council meeting and throughout this entire fraternal year, I request every council in Arizona pray the Prayer of St. Michael the Archangel at the end of every meeting and gathering. With religious freedom being threatened, our Christian brothers and sisters be martyred for their beliefs, the assault on the culture of life, and the constant attacks on the sacrament of marriage, I sincerely believe that Satan is hard at work. He is destroying our society and Church while working on every family, man, woman, and child to not follow the teachings of our Catholic Church. We must keep our councils and assemblies strong to fight this battle and defend everything we know as good. Please pray that St. Michael will protect us and our Lord will guide us so we will remain victorious and continue to build our Church with service and faith.

  1. Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

    Saint Michael the Archangel

    defend us in battle; 
    Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil
    May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, 
    O Prince of the heavenly host, 
    by the power of God, 
    cast into hell Satan 
    and all the evil spirits 
    who prowl about the world 
    seeking the ruin of souls.

Vivat Jesus!
Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus