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Monday, August 10, 2015

Message from Church Director

Greetings Brothers,

I hope this message finds you content and at peace in the love of God.

A number of events are upcoming that I would like to remind everyone about. During the month of September, the Silver Rose will be making the rounds at a number of parishes in the state. This may be a wonderful spiritual event for your councils. If you attend as a council you can check off a Church Activity for Star Council.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is August 15th. Normally, this would be a holy day of obligation. Since the feast falls on Saturday, the obligation is abrogated. We are not required to attend Mass. It is a good thing to do but we are not obligated.

Don't forget Rosary Sunday coming up in October 24-25, 2015.

Exciting work is being done to defeat the forces of evil at work in our country. Please consider joining with other Knights and their families at the "Knight Shift" coming on October 16th. There is still room for you to join the prayer for ending abortion. There are shifts available from 7 p.m. on the 16th through 7 a.m. on the 17th. Our Worthy State Deputy and his wife will be there along with Bishop Olmsted. How about you, will you share your time to help this worthy cause? More information on the "Knight Shift - 40 Days for Life" see website www.AzKnightsOfColumbus.org or the direct link is http://www.azknightsofcolumbus.org/2015/07/kofc-arizona-state-council-and-40-days.html

May God bless each of you and those you love.

In His service,

Deacon Bruce Bennett, EdD 
AZ State Church Director
DD 8


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