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Monday, August 10, 2015

National Day of Protest Against Planned Parenthood Events in Phoenix, Glendale, & Tempe



We need to pray and peacefully protest against the culture of death! Please join the Knights of Columbus in prayer for the end of legalized abortion.


Below is an email I recently received on the protests against Planned Parenthood in the Phoenix area. We have ordered Defend Life Posters to hand out at these events. We will handout “Knight Shift” flyers, as well. My hope is that the Phoenix area State Officers, State Directors, District Deputies, and others will be able to attend one or more of these events in the Phoenix area. Please feel free to share this email with your councils. We need a strong showing of Knights showing our support for this great cause!


Worthy State Officers: August 22 is a busy day for us. IPSD Bryant Sayers and I will be attending the 2nd & 3rd Degree in Sierra Vista that morning. No other Phoenix based State Officer needs to be at the degree. I can bring down any necessary degree supplies. I will get the posters and flyers to a State Officer so he can hand them out at the events.


I am sorry, but I am not aware of any activities happening in the Tucson area or other areas of Arizona. If you have information on such events, please send them to me so we can publish them.


Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.


Vivat Jesus!


Larry Becker

State Deputy

Arizona State Council







The recent news surrounding the videos about Planned Parenthood and the harvesting and trafficking of baby parts is painful to witness, and certainly the horror and sorrow that these videos incite can leave us heartbroken and hopeless. Video #5, released Monday, is bringing to light the many lies and inconsistencies that Planned Parenthood has been trying to cover up for so many years. The mainstream media and politicians are realizing and speaking about the heinous nature of these crimes, and finally the truth is coming to the light. This is difficult, but very good news, as justice in the case of hidden societal structures of sin requires clarity and revelation.  We are called to be brave now and make sure that the word is out!   


For anyone who is just learning what has transpired, I have provided some important links below.  


For those who may have experienced the trauma of an abortion and who are struggling in light of this new information, please know there is help. You can call our post-abortion care hotline at (602) 492-3124 or find the nearest Rachel’s Vineyard retreat here: http://www.rachelsvineyard.org/weekend/sites.aspx


For the full videos and transcripts: http://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/

For commentaries (including mainstream media coverage):






So what can we do to help?


1.      Pray.

a.       A nationwide week of prayer is scheduled from August 22 – August 29th. Bishop Olmsted will be giving us a call to prayer as a Diocese, in parishes and families.  Details forthcoming soon.


2.      Take action. #ProtestPP

a.       On August 22, 2015 there will be rallies held nationwide to call attention to Planned Parenthood and their trafficking of babies. We are grateful for those lay leaders who have stepped up to lead the protests in the 3 confirmed locations in the Phoenix area, as well as their supporting pastors:

                                                              i.      Planned Parenthood Phoenix- 4751 N 15th St. Phoenix, AZ 85014 10:00AM – 12:00PM

                                                            ii.      Planned Parenthood Glendale - 5771 W Eugie Glendale, AZ 85304 9:00AM – 11:00AM

                                                          iii.      Planned Parenthood Tempe - 1250 E Apache Blvd Suite 108 Tempe, AZ 85281 9:00AM – 11:00AM

b.      For more information: http://protestpp.com/


I would like to remind all that we are a people of hope. Christ has conquered death and we know that the victory has already been won! It is rooted in this hope that we must move forward in fighting for justice for the most vulnerable among us. This moment is among the most critical time in our nation’s history to be fighting for the sanctity of life, and I am grateful to be standing alongside you!


In Christ, the Lord of Life,


Clarissa Quiring

Coordinator of Marriage and Respect Life

Diocese of Phoenix


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