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Sunday, August 09, 2015

New Council 16277 in Arizona



I am very proud and excited to announce the start of a new council in the Arizona jurisdiction. Please welcome San Juan Diego Council 16277 to our state family of councils! They will be serving a new parish, St. San Juan Diego Catholic Church, in Chandler. Supreme approved their paperwork and officially assigned their council number on August 4, 2015.


Last fraternal year, a roundtable was formed at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, in Chandler, with the intent to form a new council for this new parish. This council is excited to get to work and help their new parish grow. District Deputy #8 Deacon Bruce Bennett has been instrumental in helping to form this new council. I would like to thank him and our State New Council Development Chairman Mike Kingman for helping this roundtable become a council.


I am sure we will be hearing lots of great things from this council in the future!


Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.


Vivat Jesus!


Larry Becker

State Deputy

Arizona State Council





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