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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Grand Canyon University Newman Center

In the Phoenix metro area, Brother Knights are being called to help the Grand Canyon University Catholic Newman Center.  Fr. Bradley LePage, a Brother Knight in Council 11536, and I have been working for months at the details of our involvement with this opportunity to evangelize our Catholic faith to young men and women on this Christian campus.  The photos below are of Brother Chris Santiago, Brother Ron Bacher, and State Warden Luigi Baratta working at the Newman Center.
We need you help! Can you help? We need tradesmen, able bodied men and women, and anyone who can help clean, do building improvements, paint, etc. We are especially in need of painters! Brother Danny Hayward, of Council 3855, will lead the Knights of Columbus efforts in this important project.  The center is located right across the street from Grand Canyon University. Please contact Brother Danny Hayward at ddhaywood65@gmail.com.
Also, if you are student GCU or know any Catholic gentleman who attends this school, please contact State Warden Luigi Baratta at luigi.baratta@cox.net.  We are working to organize a College Knights of Columbus Council in this Newman Center.

Please forward this email to all Brother Knights.


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