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Tuesday, March 01, 2016

State Deputy Message - March 2016


Earning the Star Council Award, is an important step in building the domestic church, while strengthening our parish. This is an excellent step to illustrate your commitment of charity, unity, and fraternity to your family, your friends, and your Catholic faith community. Setting objectives are important to reach a goal. As State Deputy, I have set goals to grow the Order in the Arizona jurisdiction, in a quality manner, with relevant programs to attract and retain our members and families. With this, our goals include the Arizona jurisdiction earning the Supreme Circle of Honor Award and having at least 45 councils earn Star Council Awards. This can’t just happen. We have to make it happen. Here are a few tips to help us obtain this goal:

●  Look at it - A goal that you can actually see is massively more powerful when you can visualize it. Use the Star Council Award posters and aids in your meetings to show your members the goal.
●  Tell people - Be open with your goals and descriptive in what you are aiming to accomplish. This sets a positive motivation in your council member’s minds that they can really earn this award.
●   Break it up - Many people abandon goals because they’re just too big. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Plan several membership drives and bring a few new members at a time into the council. Plan 24 activities to cover the programs needed. Have your Field Agent attend all your council meetings so he is ready and available to talk with your members. Have your Financial Secretary submit the necessary forms on time, throughout the year. 
●  Set a date - One of the best ways to knock out a goal is to put it on your calendar. If you put a stake in the ground and impose a date on yourself, you’re much more likely to reach it. Use the Fraternal Planner to help plan your goals.
●  Be realistic - Simple but true…you’re more likely to reach goals that you realistically set for yourself. You don’t need to set goals to earn a 5 or 6 Star Council Award. Plan to obtain all you need for a single Star, then maybe if all things are adding up, you might make a multiple Star Council Award.
●  Commit to yourself - Last but not least, there’s only one group in this goal-setting process that matters. You and your council. You’re the ones who have to do the work to earn this award. You’re the ones receiving the award and earning the praise of your parish, plus the Supreme incentive of $4.50 per billable member. It’s all on you. Commit to yourself and then re-commit yourself each time you fall (because that definitely happens along the way).

Your District Deputy, State Membership and Program Directors, and State Officers are here to assist you in any way we can. Please feel free to reach out and ask us. I hope to see all of you in the winner’s circle in July, with Star Council Awards, Star District Awards, and the Supreme Circle of Honor Award for the Arizona jurisdiction.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
PO Box 1944
Gilbert AZ 85299


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