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Friday, September 30, 2016

Knights in Action: Silver Rose

Silver Rose Visits Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church for an all School Mass of Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School


Student Commentator read this history of the Silver Rose:



Friday, September 23, 2016

New Twitter Feed!!

from Twitter https://twitter.com/az_kofc

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Blue Mass St. Lukes Douglas

Prince of Peace Assembly 21 honored military and first responders at a Blue Mass on September 11 at St. Luke church in Douglas, AZ. 




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Friday, September 16, 2016

Knights Sacrifice their Hair for Vocations

Knights Sacrifice their Hair for Vocations

During the month of August the students of Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School answering the challenge by their principal and the Knights of Columbus from the Bishop Francis J. Green Council # 11855 collected almost $2,000 worth of pennies in their “Pennies from Heaven Drive” to support vocations.

On September 16th, the Principal, Grand Knight, and School Liaison Officer made good on their promise to have their hair cut if the students beat their record $1,800 from last year.  They did!

The entire student body gathered in the courtyard to watch.


Principal, Mrs. Charlene Roll smiles as her hair is cut.  She is true to her word as she delivers on her promise to have her hair cut if the students best their goal on the Pennies from Heaven Drive for vocations.



Principal Roll and Grand Knight Robert Roll watch as School Liaison Officer Bill Barrett (also Faithful Navigator of the Father Anthony Rey Assembly # 3617) delivers on his promise to have his head shaved if the students meet their goal on the Pennies from Heaven Drive for vocations.



Now it’s the Grand Knight’s turn, as FN Bill Barrett (orange shirt) feels his freshly shaven bald head.



Grand Knight Robert Roll appears to be enjoying his haircut.



Students, like Romans watching a Gladiator contest, scream  -  “The Beard Too!”


Sister Claudia, a Sister of Charity at Saints Peter and Paul, poses with our clean shaven Knights of Columbus.


Respectfully submitted by Rick Riess, Deputy Grand Knight – Bishop Francis J. Green Council # 11855




Knights in Action POW-MIA Ceremony Photos

September 16th is Prisoner of War- Missing in Action (POW-MIA) National Recognition Day.  Sir Knights from the Father Anthony Rey Assembly # 3617 were joined by Sir Knights from the Father Henry Miller Assembly # 2308 and Sir Knights from the MSGR Don H. Hughes Assembly # 23892 and Knights from the Bishop Francis J. Green Council # 11855  in conducting the 3rd annual POW-MIA Ceremony at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School.  This year the middle school students at Saints Peter and Paul were joined by the 5th graders in Mrs. Deb Mansager’s class from San Manuel.  Several parents were also in the audience.  We were honored to have Father Albert Miranda (also a Knight of Columbus) attend the ceremony and lead us in prayer.
It takes a Baker’s Dozen worth of pictures to explain the ceremony.  Brothers, we hope you enjoy.
Students stand as the Color Guard prepares to post the colors at the 3rd annual POW-MIA Ceremony at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School.

Color Guard presents the colors and students recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

The audience and our Worthy Marshal AZ South – Sir Knight Drew Mansager, applaud after the Color Guard posts the colors at the 3rd annual POW-MIA Ceremony.

Master of Ceremonies, Faithful Captain of the Father Anthony Rey Assembly # 3617 – Sir Knight Ray Obral, explains the significance of the details in the POW-MIA flag.

Sir Knights Jay Eisele and Gus Aguilar point out the details on the POW-MIA flag as Faithful Captain – Ray Obral explains their significance to the students.

Master Sergeant Paul Gallegos on active duty at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base narrates the table ceremony.  Master Sergeant Gallegos is a Knight of Columbus in the Bishop Francis J. Green Council # 11855 at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church.

Master Sergeant Gallegos explains the significance of the salt shakers as Principal Roll and Father Albert Miranda observe.  THERE IS SALT ON THE PLATE, SYMBOLIC OF THE FAMILY'S TEARS AS THEY WAIT AND REMEMBER.  Bell tolls once.

As the Knights raise their glasses as in a toast, the narrator explains THEY (the Prisoners of War and Missing in Action) CANNOT TOAST WITH US TODAY -- MAYBE TOMORROW, IF WE REMEMBER.   Bell tolls once.

Knights salute our Prisoners of War and Missing in Action as they conclude the table ceremony.
As the table ceremony concludes our Worthy Marshall – Drew Mansager, has us all reaching for our handkerchiefs as he plays “Amazing Grace” on his bagpipes.  Following the ceremony, Drew gave an encore performance for the students and explained how the bagpipes work.

Color Guard prepares to retire the colors.

On the way back to their classrooms, students file by the table to get a close look at all the symbolism discussed during the ceremony.

Principal Roll and Father Albert requested a group photo of all who made the POW-MIA ceremony such a memorable experience for the students.

Respectfully submitted by SK Rick Riess, Father Anthony Rey Assembly # 3617

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Presentation of a check to the Church

"On August 20th, 2016, Grand Knight of the Our Lady of the Desert Council No. 15704, Ray Obral, presented Father Paul Coury, C.Ss.R., Rector at the Picture Rocks, Redemptorist Renewal Center, Our Lady of the Desert (OLD) Church, with a check for $3,455.00.  The check represents half of the State Raffle Ticket Sales sold by the Brothers from Council No. 15704.  Father Paul, very appreciative, explained to the OLD Congregation that these funds will be put towards the cost of new chairs for the Church."

Tucson Knights in Action - September 11 Rememberence

Eight first response agencies from the Nogales area gathered at San Felipe de Jesus parish in Nogales, AZ on 9-11 to commemorate the terrorist attacks 15 years ago.

Sir Knights from four assemblies, Duval, Kino, Miller and Alphonsus, honored the heroes of 9-11.

Nogales mayor John Doyle, (far left) Councilman Cesar Parada and Former District Deputy Doug Cook (dress white uniform)attended the annual ceremony.

Police and fire departments from Nogales, AZ, Nogales, Mexico and Rio Rico, as well as U.S. Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection and Border Patrol honored their brothers on 9-11 at San Felipe de Jesus parish in Nogales, AZ.

Sir Knights pay respect to the heroes of 9-11.

 Retiring Nogales Fire Division Chief Jesus Gomez receives the United States flag.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

New Twitter Feed!!

from Twitter https://twitter.com/az_kofc

Friday, September 09, 2016

Knights in Action photos - Worthy District Master participates in 9-11 Ceremony in Tucson

On the 9th of September 2016 at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School in Tucson at 10:20 am, Sir Knights from four different assemblies gathered to conduct a 9-11 ceremony for over 400 students and 100+ parents and grandparents.  This was the first ever 9-11 ceremony for the school.  The principal, Mrs. Charlene Roll, asked the Knights if they could put on a ceremony since none of her students were even born when the 9-11 attacks took place and this year is the 15th Anniversay of the 9-11 attacks.  The school family at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School got a surprise when our Worthy District Master, Sir Knight Bryant Sayers and his wife and grandson announced they would be honored to participate in our ceremony.
The ceremony honored first responders from 9-11 and today.  First responders and scouts placed a rose in a vase which after the ceremony was escorted by the Honor Guard over to church.  Knights raised a large 11'x15' flag and Principal Roll presented St. Michael the Archangel coins to first responders.  The sun was shining brightly and this combination of Grandparents Day and Patriot Day that started with Mass and a continental breakfast for Grandparents was a great success.

These 8 photos capture Knights in Action during the ceremony.

IMG 2087  Sir Knights from 4 assemblies responded to Principal Roll’s request for a 9-11 ceremony for her students at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School.  None of the students were alive when the 9-11 attacks occurred.  In this photo, the Honor Guard presents sword as Father Albert and Father Bala say the opening prayer.

IMG_2166  The Honor Guard salutes our first responders.  Principal Roll had students’ parents in uniform representing the Military, Firefighters, Police, and Medical first responders.

IMG_2201  The Honor Guard stands at the Carry as school nurse Joyce on behalf of all medical first responders places a rose in the vase that was taken to the altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary in church after the ceremony.

IMG_2219 The Honor Guard salutes the scouts as the narrator tells the students and grandparents how scouts mobilized and collected over 150,000 bottles of water for rescue workers at ground zero.  Scout leaders at Saints Peter and Paul are parents serving in the Military and on the police force.

IMG_2263  Sir Knights in the Color Guard, assisted by first responders, prepare to raise an 11 foot by 15 foot flag on the school’s flagpole that was built 2 years ago as an Eagle Scout project supported by the Knights of Columbus in the Bishop Francis J. Green Council 11855.

IMG_2311  Sir Knight Bryant Sayers, our Worthy District Master, addresses students and grandparents at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School in their first ever 9-11 ceremony.  He was accompanied by his wife and his grandson.  Students presented him with a 3 foot tall thank you card.

IMG_2352  After the Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School 9-11 ceremony, Sir Knights of the Honor Guard gathered for a  group photo in front of the school flagpole with principal Charlene Roll.

IMG_2371  After the 9-11 ceremony at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic School, Color Corps Commander (and Faithful Navigator) Sir Knight Bill Barrett and Sir Knight Frank Herran from the Fr. Anthony Rey Assembly # 3617 answer questions from third grade students about the Knights of Columbus and even let the students touch the engraving on their swords. 

Rick Riess
Deputy Grand Knight Council 11855 and Narrator for the 9-11 Ceremony

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Upcoming Training Sessions.

Worthy Grand Knights,


This year our Supreme Council has been promoting and providing more training for Council Officers and members.  The Supreme Webinars are a prime example of Supreme's commitment to assist State and Local Councils provide information and training for our Officers and Members.


This commitment is extending to our State Council.  Throughout the year we will be sponsoring an assortment of workshops and training to provide our members and leaders tools they can use to Build our Domestic Church and increase our membership.


The first of these training sessions will be offered the end of this month.  Please mark you calendars  and make plans to attend the training session nearest to you.  We are working on plans to have other training sessions in the areas of the state outside of the Phoenix and Tucson metropolitan areas.


So that we may have adequate refreshments available please either notify the contact listed for the location you plan to attend or our State Training Coordinator FDD Bob Julien (diver_bobj@q.com)  the number of men who will be attending.  It is important that you have both Council officers and Membership and Program leaders at these sessions.


Looking at your Fraternal Planner you will notice that October lists Council Church drives.  To assist us be prepared we have invited our Supreme Membership and Program Consultant Patrick Maloney to lead these training Sessions.  Brother Patrick is a Past State Deputy from Washington and has served as an MPC for several years 


The Topics for these initial sessions will be Membership Recruitment and Retention.  This will be more than standing behind a table outside of church.  We will learn skills to use in our Membership recruiting and retention activities.


 Each session is scheduled to begin at 7:00 PM with doors open at least 15 minutes early so we can be seated and ready to begin on time.


Monday September 26, 2016

Holy Family Parish

338 E. University Blvd

Tucson, AZ

(contact: DD Luis Kamei, email addr: lekamei@msn.com)


Wednesday September 28, 2016

St. Bernard of Clairvaux Roman Catholic Church

10755 North 124th St.

Scottsdale, AZ  85259

(2nd Floor Classrooms, South side and East end of parish campus)

(contact: GK Rob Mastro, email addr: robmastro@gmail.com)


Thursday September 29, 2016

Our lady of Czestochowa Parish

2828 W Country Gables Dr

Phoenix, AZ 85053

(contact: GK Jerry Bielawski, email addr: jerrybielawski@yahoo.com)


I look forward to seeing as many participants as possible at these events.







Monday, September 05, 2016

State Deputy Message - September 2016

September 1, 2016


A few months ago I was certain I had found a theme that the Knights in Arizona could completely embrace.  While discerning about how to define and refine this message I kept feeling pulled in a different direction.  Listening to various Priests and our Bishops, reading material from respected Church leader, and talking with members across the State a different message kept creeping into the back of my mind.  We are in a period of turmoil; in our Country, in our culture, in our Parishes, and in our Councils.

This year’s State Theme is “Be The Leader of Your Domestic Church”

We have been weakened by the constant attacks from evil.  We have lost focus on our foundation.  Many have fallen into the comfortable lifestyle of attending Mass most of the time and getting our children to their RE Classes.  We have become passive attendees rather than active participants in our faith. Some say Vocations are born in the home.  So is our Faith.  There is only so much that can be learned in class.  There comes a time when the lessons must be observed away from the Church, they must be witnessed in the home.  For there to be followers there must be a leader.

This Fraternal Year I am asking each brother to become that Leader.  To lead by example. To gain the knowledge of our faith so you can not only practice it yourself but demonstrate this to members of your family, your friends, those you see on a regular basis.  What better place to begin than in your own homes, in your own groups, in your environment, in Your Domestic Church.

Will this be easy?  Probably not.  If it were easy it would already be done.  But it is critical that we not delay any longer. It is critical that we become these leaders that our Families, our Community, our Parishes, our Order so desperately need.

We will not go into this without tools.  Bishop Olmsted of the Diocese of Phoenix published an Apostolic Exhortation Into the Breach in 2015. This was a call to the men of his Diocese to step up and fill the hole that has been opened by evil.  Our Supreme Council has adopted this to bolster their programs begun in November 2015 to Build the Domestic Church while strengthening our Parishes. On our Supreme Website there are documents and programs about the Domestic Church for you to use. Soon there will be an announcement of an even broader Supreme Program.

Our State pin symbolizes this call.  The pin is in the shape of the State of Arizona.  As Arizona Knights, this is where we need to make our impact. 

In the center of the pin is a Dove, a universal symbol for the Holy Spirit.  Wings stretched out to embrace us all; the Holy Spirit is coming toward us just as Jesus came to be among man.  As the Dove comes to us from the center so too does the power of the Holy Spirit radiate outward, originating with God in the symbol of the Eucharist. 

At the bottom left are our Fraternal Year and our State abbreviation for those that won’t recognize us by the outline of the borders. 

In the top left is a church within a church.  This is to remind us that our Domestic Church is still part of the larger universal Church which in turn is part of our world. 

In the bottom right is the Emblem of our Order.   It has been placed here to remind us that our mission is to be the foundation to build our Domestic Church and to support the evangelization of our faith that we are all called to do.

These three symbols, the Year, the Emblem and the Church, remind us of a basic belief that separates us from others; the Trinity.
Across the top is our Theme, placed there to remind us that to be the leaders we must be the head of our Domestic Church.

Finally there is the top Right corner.  Originally there was another symbol there but it was removed.  By removing that symbol we have left room for the one missing item necessary for our entire program to work. 

If the area is not filled the rays of the Holy Spirit are not received.  If that area is not filled the picture is not complete. 

If that area is not filled, our Domestic Church will not be built, our Parishes will not be strengthened, the Breach will remain open. 

What is Your Domestic Church? It is you and your family.

What does it take to be a leader? It takes action.

The top Right corner. 

Christians, fellow Catholic Men, Brother Knights.

I need you to Step Into the Breach.  I need you to fill that open space.  I need you to “Be the Leaders of Your Domestic Church”

If you fill that space you will be amazed at what a difference you will make in our world and be awed by what a difference God will make in you.

Vivat Jesus,
Sean Halpain

State Deputy