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Friday, January 15, 2016

New Year's Membership Resolutions

Brother Knights,

Happy new year!  As the new year begins, and as the second half of our Fraternal Year commences, we often take stock of where we've been and what we have accomplished.  Some folks often consider New Year's resolutions, a set of well-intentioned goals or changes in their lives like losing weight, getting more exercise, or quitting some bad habit.  Even with these good intentions, such resolutions seldom bear fruit.  But we are Knights of Columbus, and we can make some resolutions that will pay off big for our councils and our Order.  Our resolution should be for our councils to achieve Star Council, and Arizona to make Circle of Honor.

We can accomplish this!  Why do I have so much confidence? We have built up some powerful momentum.  Due to the incredible effort of the councils in Arizona, we had the best recruitment month of December in recent memory, and we welcomed 101 new Brothers into our Order.  We were second in our division nationally in for membership growth in December and are currently at 47% of our membership goal for this Fraternal year.  The second half of the year is always stronger in Arizona, and if each council keeps working hard at membership, we will make our membership goals.  Congratulations on a strong first half of the Fraternal Year.

Retention is a key component to Star Council and Circle of Honor.  The Star Council incentive is in place again this year.  Councils achieving Star Council will be refunded $4.50 per billable member.  This incentive meant thousands of dollars to Councils in Arizona last year, and should be serious motivation to redouble our efforts to retain members and avoid suspensions that would put Star Council at risk.

Let's remember the importance of programs for membership recruitment.  Remember the Supreme Knight's new Order-wide initiative, "Building the Domestic Church while Strengthening our Parish".  Focusing on this initiative, and being an indispensable asset to our Pastors and our parishes will make us all the more relevant and visible in our parishes and inspire more Catholic men to join our order.

Don't forget to work closely with your Insurance Field Agent.  General Agent Nate Raso and his team are indispensable assets for meeting your recruitment and insurance goals.  They can obviously work with you to help make Father McGivney's dream come alive to protect the families of your parish.  They can support your retention efforts, especially as it relates to inactive Insurance members.  And as experts in "all things Knights", no recruitment team is complete without your Field Agent.

It goes without saying that your District Deputy is a key member of your team. Consult with him often.  He has the experience, dedication, and access to resources to help you succeed.  He wants a Star District as much as you want Star Council!  He can help you keep on track with recruitment, required reports, and ideas on how to achieve your goals.

Strive to hold a First Degree per council per month, or at least one First Degree per district per month.  No new member should have to wait to become a member, and folks tend to recruit if there's a degree coming up shortly.  Remember the ceremonial DVD is a viable option!

Don't forget to register for and attend the Star Council Webinar on Saturday, January 23 presented by Gary Nolan, Vice President for Fraternal Training and Ceremonials. If you have not yet registered, now is the time to do so, even if you cannot participate in the live webinar.  By registering, you will receive a link to the recorded version of the webinar that you may listen to at your convenience.  This session will be geared toward all fraternal leaders. This webinar will discuss various tips and techniques on how your council can earn the Star Council Award, including:
  • Planning and Conducting Charitable Service Outreach Programs
  • Implementing Effective Recruitment/Retention Strategies and Welcoming New Members
  • Keeping Current with Administrative and Financial Obligations

    Please click here
    to register for this event.
Also, we have a very special opportunity to learn how to change your council's culture to help strengthen your parish. Our Worthy Supreme Membership and Program Consultant (MPC) Pat Maloney will be in Arizona holding a workshop in Tucson, entitled "KofC Changing a Council's Culture".
  • When: Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 7:00 to 9:00PM
  • Where: Holy Family Church, 338 W University Blvd, Tucson, AZ (The same location as the Chapter meetings.)
  • What: Changing a Council's Culture:  This workshop presents a powerful method of revitalizing a council. The workshop focuses on this tried and true method for any council that have few members attending their meetings, or helping during activities, or have the same members in office year after year, or councils that appear to be dying. This simple recipe works – and the workshop explores how one council turned their efforts around and are now extremely successful and meaningful in their parish.
Due to a very tight schedule, Brother Pat will only be able to do this workshop this one night in Arizona. It will be worth your time and effort to make this informative workshop.  This includes councils outside Tucson!

Brothers, again I congratulate you on a strong first half of the Fraternal Year.  If we all redouble our efforts for the second half, our Order will "Find us Ready" to achieve the honors of Star Council and Circle of Honor!

Vivat Jesus!
Kevin McCarthy
State Membership Director
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (602) 684-8125
Find us ready Lord.


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