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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

2017 Raffle Winners

Here is a list of the 2017 Charity Raffle Winners - all have been contacted. 
$10,000  Ed LeRoy                       Council 3136
$7,000   Dylan Phillips                  Council 13779
$5,000   Rosemarie Scherb          Council12696
$3,000  Frank Kobylarczyk            Council 14185
$2,000  Charles A. Wright            Council 10441
$1,000  Majorie A. Eisenhauer     Council12345
$500     Audrie Ouilette                Council 7904
$500    Michael Raul                    Council 6933
$500    Jim Csuy                          Council12144
$500    Karen Fuller                     Council 9482
A great thank you to all of the councils that participated in this years charity raffle event.  Your hard work on behalf of charity achieved the state goal with 100.44% of goal.  $337,486 in sales versus a goal of $336,000 - this is also tentative until a complete, 100% review of all data is completed - hopefully by Wed 5/24th.
Vivat Jesus,
Dennis Sullivan and Richard Armanini
AZ State Charity Raffle.


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