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Monday, May 01, 2017

State Deputy Message - May 2017

May 1, 2017


May brings about thoughts of spring thaw in the mountains, spring flowers in the desert, vacation planning and end of school for another year.  May also is the time when most Councils will be planning their Officer Elections for the next Fraternal year. 

This is a great time to spend a few moments looking back at this year and doing an honest evaluation of your Council.  Did you meet the goals you set last July?  Have you asked every eligible Catholic man to join you and your Council in the work you do to support your Pastor and Parish?  Do you have your programs finished to complete your SP-7 and earn the Columbian Award? What do you need to do to earn Star Council?  Several Councils are only a few New Members or Insurance Members away.  Remember this year you need 4 programs that relate to Building the Domestic Church to earn these awards.

Like last year the State has not brought in as many new members as we projected by May 1st.  Also like last year the numbers we need to return to Circle of Honor and have the number of Star Councils we expected are not out of reach.  The key is to start TODAY and not wait any longer.  Statewide our March was the highest for that month in four years.  April numbers are still coming in and they look to be very close to last year’s April.  This year we have had a few months where we exceeded the Circle of Honor year we all contributed to last year. We need two more months like these or better. 

To change direction; State Convention.  We have worked with the Hotel to extend for a few days the group room rate but you need to call early this week.  The Host Council has a Western Theme planned for our Friday dinner.  We hope this will encourage more to attend.  We will have some award presentations but most of the evening is looking like a great time to dress for the theme and have a good time. 

The State Secretary and your District Deputies have been letting a few of you know that your State and Supreme Per Capita payments must be current to have your delegates seated at the meeting.  Even if you have received your Delegate Credentials you still need to be current to be allowed to vote.  If you have any questions contact State Secretary Tom Kalisz or your District Deputy.

In the packets for the Convention there was information about the Friday Chaplains lunch.  Our State Chaplain Fr. Pat Crino and State Officers will be gathering for a lunch on Friday after the opening Mass and before the start of the Business Session.  So far, we have not had the Councils notify us of any of their Chaplains that will be attending.  Fr. Pat does not have a big program planned but will be happy to talk with the Chaplains about the Knights and what service we can provide to Parishes. 

This also brings up that we have the standard situation of slow registrations for the Convention by Delegates and members at large.  Please look for the recent reminders sent out and send in your registrations this week.  We need to provide the plate count early the week of the Convention to the Hotel so you don’t want to be left out by missing the deadline or trying to purchase meals the same day. 

I have been saving the best for last.  We have not had as many membership recruitment incentives as last year.  For those that we held we will be notifying he winners soon.  We came up with a plan for Councils for May and June.  Now is the time to come together as Councils for that big push to reach Star Council.  For the months of May and June the State Council will pay the State Per Capita dues for the July 1 billing for every new member that you bring in during these two months.  Remember if you earn Star Council Supreme will reward you with $4.50 for every active billable member on your roster.  Reach Star Council and get multiple rewards.

Have a great two months to end this year Strong.

Vivat Jesus

Sean Halpain
State Deputy


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