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Monday, August 21, 2017

PWID Safeway Stores


Brothers - Good News,
We have received permission to conduct PWID Drives at all Safeway and Albertsons Stores statewide.  The dates provided are October 13 and 14 and October 27 and 28, 2017.  If your Council would like to reserve a store please send me an email with the following information:  Location of the store desired, and if your Council intends to conduct their drive on all 4 days , or if not what days they will be there.  As a reminder tootsie rolls need to be ordered no later than 30 days prior to shipping.  Further info about PWID can be found on the state website under the Programs tab.
Vivat Jesus!
Lawrence A. Powers
State Program Director
Arizona Knights of Columbus
(702) 827-8135


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