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Thursday, August 31, 2017

State Deputy Message - August

August 1, 2017
Greetings from the Supreme Convention in St. Louis, Missouri! Your delegates, including all of the State Officers, are here to meet with Knights from around the world, as we honor last year's successes and learn more about the programs we will promote this fraternal year.

I want to thank you all for your efforts to grown our membership during the last fraternal year. Regrettably we were 28 new members short so we did not return to the Circle of Honor we achieved last year under IPSD Larry Becker. We made a valiant effort but, quite frankly, we delayed too long to start asking men to join us in support of our Bishops, Priests and Parishes. We believe we achieved our goal of 30 Star Councils.

In order to get going earlier this year our State Membership Director Kevin McCarthy has some Fast Start incentive programs for July, August, and September. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson challenged each State to recruit one member more in each of these months than they had in their best effort over the last 5 years. For Arizona that means 61 in July, 70 in August and 95 in September. There are cash prizes for Councils if we make these goals. As of last Saturday we only had 35 for July. Contact your District Deputies for more information about these incentives.

Some have asked why recruit in the summer? Many of our council’s take the summer off or have few events or programs. What a perfect time to recruit. Kids are going back to school, vacations are ending, and if you recruit now you will have new members to help with those fall programs you have planned. Bring those eligible men in now so you can get them involved right away and retain them for life.

You have already seen messages from our new State Programs Director Larry Powers. Just as Kevin has provided Membership updates during the year, Larry will be highlighting Programs as well. If you look at your Fraternal Leadership Planner you will see that August highlights the Family. August 7-13 is Family Week. Do you have any events planned for that week or any time this month? It is not too late; work with your brothers and Parish community to hold an event. Show the community the range of activities we have that include the family.

If your Grand Knights have not received any emails to relay to the Councils, ask if they have turned in their State Directory form? The form the State requests is different than the Form 185 that is sent to Supreme. Both are needed and now past due.

Are you a member that wants to get more involved in State programs and Chairmanships? We are so in need of brother knights who are willing to develop and lead various activities. Also look at the Supreme website and review the Domestic Church section; as this is the basis for many of our events this year. If you are interested in learning more or have ideas to share contact Kevin McCarthy, Larry Powers or me.

Finally it is not too early to make plans to join in the Arizona Rosary Celebration events the weekend if October 20-22, 2017. Most of the activities are planned for Tucson and Phoenix but several areas outside these metro areas will hold concurrent Rosary Celebrations. We need your support, especially financially. Sell ads to local businesses and purchase an ad for your Council or Parish. Look at the Arizona Rosary celebration website, www.AzRosary.com for more information.

Have a great August and a fulfilling year as we live the Gospel and the call to live our faith by how we conduct our lives.

Vivat Jesus!
Sean Halpain, State Deputy