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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Keep Christ in Christmas

RE: Keeping Christ in Christmas

A reminder ~ to benefit from the specially priced Sales Assortment Case (CIC-2017) or the Spanish Display Box (SP-DB-17) councils must have their orders placed by September 25, 2017. I attach a council order form so you can place an order and save money.

The Christmas season is approaching and it is with an ever-heightened sense of purpose that we immerse our efforts into the evangelization of Keeping Christ in Christmas.
Please let us know if you have any additional questions you can call me or email at the contact points below.
God Bless each of you and may He bring unprecedented success to the Keep Christ in Christmas evangelization in our state

 Vivat Jesus
 SK Anthony A. Balestrieri PGK , PFN
 Keep Christ in Christmas Chairman
 c- 623-221-6058
Council Order Form