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Thursday, November 02, 2017

Drivers for Visiting Bishops AND Welcome messages for Bishop Weisenburger

Brother Knights:    Please pass this information along to your Councils

An opportunity is upcoming in Nov 17 to help our Diocese of Tucson facilitate visiting Cardinals, Bishops, and other Dignitaries who will be attending the Installation of Bishop Edward Weisenburger.  Bishop Weisenburger will be installed as the 7th Bishop of the Diocese of Tucson on Wed 29 Nov at 2PM.  Knights of Columbus, through the Tucson Chapter, have been requested to provide drivers and greeters who will welcome Dignitaries at the Tucson Airport prior to the installation celebration and drive them to their lodging; then provide return transportation after the event.  We have been notified tentatively that the traveling Dignitaries are expected to arrive between Mon-Wed 27-29 Nov; then depart between Wed-Fri 29 Nov- 1 Dec.  However, this window may expand (or contract) once the Diocese receives the Dignitaries' RSVPs and itineraries.

We will be working in 2-man teams:  one driver and one greeter.  The greeter, with signage, will meet the visiting dignitaries inside the Airport; assist them with their luggage; and escort them outside to the waiting transportation provided by the driver.  The driver and greeter must  have personal cell phones to stay in contact; as the driver will need to drop off the greeter at passenger pickup; then await the dignitaries' arrival in the vehicle Cell Phone waiting lot.  The volunteer drivers and greeters need to be dressed in business casual, with wear of KofC Council or Assembly shirts encouraged.  Vehicles needs to be large enough to accommodate the visiting Dignitaries and luggage as well as the greeter.  We expect some dignitaries will travel with assistants or friends/family, so we are in need of large SUVs or mini-/full-size VANs to accommodate larger groups.  We expect arrivals and departures during morning, afternoon, and early evening hours; estimated between 9AM to 8PM.  
Volunteer drivers will provide their vehicles without reimbursement for expenses (fuel, etc.), and should be generally familiar with Tucson roads and lodging.   A good vehicle or personal GPS is recommended.
If you'd like to volunteer as a driver or greeter, please email or call the chairmen for this event.  Please provide them your email address and cell phone number; plus the days and hours you are able to volunteer.  The chairmen will manage all contact with the Diocese for itineraries and arrival/departure times plus lodging locations.  The chairmen will maintain a schedule of all the dignitaries arrival & departures; and assign driver/greeter teams for each transportation event.  We recommend you find your own team member to pair-up with; but if you do not have a 2nd volunteer; we may be able to pair you up with another volunteer.  The chairmen and their contact information is below:

SK Luis E. Kamei;  cell (520) 241-8244; email:  azdd29kamei@gmail.comSK Hector R. Tellez; cell (520) 305-6538; email:  hrtz@cox.net

Please contact the chairmen not later than 22 Nov if you would like to volunteer.  Let's make a great showing in welcoming Visitors to Tucson, our Diocese, and this special celebration honoring our new Bishop.


Please click here regarding the opportunity to submit a Welcome Message to Bishop Weisenburger in a special commemorative edition of the Catholic Outlook;  the Diocese of Tucson's Newspaper.  


Sir Knight JEFFREY A MORGAN, Knights of Columbus
President, Tucson Chief Judge John  M. Roll Chapter


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