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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

KofC Crowd & Parking control - Bishop Weisenberger Installation Mass on 11-29-17

Brother Knights,


In addition to providing transportation for visiting family and clergy, the KofC have been asked to assist with parking lot monitoring and crowd control both before and after the Mass. A minimum of 20 KofC are requested but I would recommend that we try to recruit at least 25 to 30. Doing so would allow brothers to rotate.


The KofC would man the parking lot entrances before the Mass and direct traffic to other locations, including the parking garage once the parking lot is full.  The KofC also would assist in manning the doors during Mass, especially the 2 doors on the north entrance. Those doors lead to the area where construction is on-going and are not entrance or exit doors; however, they must be open during Mass due to fire code.


Finally, the KofC would direct Mass attendees to the Stillwell House for the reception after the Mass. The Stillwell House is on the southwest corner of South Fifth Avenue and East 12th Street, approximately 3 blocks east of the Cathedral.


As you know, the Bishop's Installation Mass is by invitation only. Brothers who volunteer would have an opportunity to rotate inside the Cathedral and observe at least part of the Mass. Obviously, all 30 could not be inside at the same time.


Hector Tellez and I are going to be at the Cathedral for the Mass on November 29, recommend allowing Hector Tellez and I to coordinate the KofC volunteers.


We would request that Brothers who are interested reply via email or calling Hector (Cell: 520-305-6538) or myself (520-241-8244). We will then make a list of the first 25 to 30 and provide their names to the Diocese as those who will be involved.


As noted above, the Mass is by invitation only and there will be strict security. Only those Brothers whose names are listed will be allowed to assist.  Show time for volunteers would be at 12:00 Noon; and the detail would conclude at approximately 5:00 PM.  Those brothers who volunteer for this event would also be invited to attend the reception at the Stillwell House if they choose.


Please feel free to call if you have any questions.


Luis E. Kamei
Cell: 520-241-8244


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