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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Military Scholarship Fund

Another milestone for AZ as we have exceeded our 2014 goal and surpassed the 30k mark I had hoped for. Of course this are the numbers that I am aware of and our Worthy Supreme Master advised me that we are about 3k off so we are some where around 33k.  What a great group of Brother Knights we have in the great State of Arizona.
2014 goal $4,000.00 actual $5,545.00 and overall we are at $30,019.25. See attached 

Yours in Christ
Michael H. Kingman

Thursday, July 24, 2014

District 2 Wheel Chair Project

Congratulations to District 2 for making the Columbia Magazine Knights in Action!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Bishop's Dinner 2014


You, your council’s youth director, and other council officers are cordially invited to attend the “Bishop’s Dinner 2014 - A Celebration of Catholic Boy Scouting” at Mt. Claret Retreat Center, 
4633 N 54th St, Phoenix, on Tuesday, September 16, 2014. Please join our guest of honor, the Most Reverend Eduardo A. Nevares, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Phoenix, and the Diocese of Phoenix Catholic Committee on Scouting (PhxDCCS) for a special evening of fun and fellowship. Appetizers will be served beginning at 5:30 pm, with the opening ceremony at 6:15pm and dinner at 6:30 pm.

I invite you to join me at this dinner. Your pastor has been invited to attend as well. Perhaps your council would consider extending an invitation to pay for the pastor’s dinner and offer to escort him to the event. If your parish has a Scout unit, you may want to coordinate with the unit committee to sponsor the pastor, deacon or youth minister.

To further support this cause, I encourage your council to purchase an ad in the dinner’s program book.

Please review and complete the attached forms for your reservations &/or ad for the program book.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker

State Deputy

Monday, July 14, 2014

Knights at Ballpark 2015


It is that time of year again. Baseball season is in full swing. The Diamondbacks are doing well so far this season. It is hot and we could all use a cold beverage.

On August 29th we are again having our annual Knights@The Ballpark in support of the Arizona Special Olympics.  By participating in this event we all help raise money for the Special Olympians.  Each ticket we purchase returns $2.00 to the Special Olympics, $2.00 to your council and $2.00 for the State Council to support our other charities and activities. This This event is not just for Knights. It is for everyone. Knights and their families, Their parish members. The Boy and Girl scout troops and their families too.

Attached are the order forms. For our Southern Knights Councils, we have arranged to have a bus leave from Tucson and take you round trip to the baseball stadium in Phoenix. You can even bring a cooler on the bus. It's cheaper than paying for gas and parking.

Jim Tucker
Arizona Knights of Columbus
District Deputy #30
Chairman Knights @ The Ballpark
602-430-6144  cell

2014-2015 Arizona State Council's Membership Incentive Brochure

July 1, 2014
It is our moral obligation for us to ask every Catholic man, over 18 years old, to become a member of the Knights of Columbus! The Arizona State Council’s theme for the 2014-2015  fraternal year is “I will Choose Christ, I will Choose Love, I Choose to Serve.” Inspired by Arizona singer and song writer Tom Booth, this theme exemplifies the four principles of our Order: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. We need to grow the Order in Arizona so we are strong and stand up for Catholic causes, the Culture of Life, support our Bishops and Priests, and help bring stability to our families and community.
Sometimes, the hardest thing about recruiting is taking the first step. Recruiting a new member can be as easy as asking him to join. Amazingly, many individuals haven't joined the Knights simply because they have never been asked to join. When the opportunity arrives, take the initiative and start a conversation with a potential prospect. It’s the first step for recruiting on a one-on-one basis and can yield very positive results.
Every member of the Knights of Columbus in Arizona is eligible to participate in the “2014-2015 Arizona Star Recruiter” incentive program. All you need to do is recruit a new member, be a friend and guide to them through their application process, escort them to their 1st Degree exemplification, and help start them on their way as a successful brother Knight in our Order.
Please feel free to reach out to either State Membership Director Stan Schroeder PSD or me for any assistance we can offer towards your successful recruitment efforts.
     Vivat Jesus!
   Larry Becker
    State Deputy


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Membership - 201407

Dear Brother Knights,
The organization meeting held on July 12 at St. Tim's in Mesa was a clear sign that we have good team of District Deputies who are excited about the new fraternal year.  At the meeting previous year results were put aside, new goals established for membership, and key programs outlined that will increase your visibility and grow under the State Deputy's Theme, "I Will Choose Christ, I Will Choose Love, I Choose to Serve".  The final goal is "Every Council a Star Council".

For the mid-July check point, the current membership results can be compared to the monsoon season that has hit Arizona.  The rain is a welcome relief from the dry hot days of early June.  With the rain comes a new buzz throughout the state as fire restrictions in the national forest are lifted.  With the good is also the nuisance of dirty cars from blowing dust, tree branches and yes the lawn chairs blown into the back your pool.

This reflection of the monsoon season is similar to the review of the Mid July Membership results.  There are five councils who have taken the “Every Council Active in July” theme to heart giving the State a Gross intake of 11 new members.   As with the monsoon, there are the nuisance results that all of us have to deal with, suspensions.  Unfortunately, the suspensions of 27 put the State Net Membership at a -17 for the mid July report.  Compared to the order, Arizona net membership ranks 69 out of the 72 jurisdictions.  The road ahead is rough, but as a team, Arizona will be the rising star of the order.   In the past, Brother Knights in Arizona have risen the challenge and now the challenge is to be #1 of the Order in net membership growth.

In summary, please deal with the suspensions by ensuring all effort is made in retaining our membership.  If the member who is on the list of suspension has Knights of Columbus Insurance, please try saving the member by working with the General Agent, Nate Raso and his staff of great brother knights.  And most importantly and a challenge to all council officers, ask a Catholic Gentleman to join the Knights of Columbus.


Stan Schroeder, PSD
State Membership Director


2014-2015 Goals and Ideas
Family of the Month
Food and diaper drives
K of C Family week in August
Share your successes with other councils

Remember to report Family activities.

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Message from Arizona State Deputy 2014-2015 Larry Becker

July 1, 2014
Happy New Year! The 2014-2015 fraternal year has begun!
First, I want to thank you for your support and confidence you have provided to the new Arizona State Council Officers; State Secretary Skip Hopler, State Treasurer Sean Halpain, State Advocate Tom Kalisz, State Warden Mario Vassallo, and Immediate Past State Deputy Bryant Sayers. I especially want to thank IPSD Bryant Sayers for the fine job he has done to increase your confidence in the State Officers and the State Council and also unifying the Arizona jurisdiction form North to South and East to West. We are all very excited and enthusiastic to serve you, our Order, and our Church throughout this new fraternal year.
Second, there are a lot of new faces in many of the District Deputy and State Program Chairs. I would like to thank the retiring District Deputies and Program Chairmen from the last fraternal year for all their work for the Order. The team we assembled this year has a lot of fresh ideas and plans to help grow and strengthen the Order in Arizona. Please welcome them into your councils with their insights on quality programs.
Third, from day one of the fraternal year, you should pull out a fresh clean copy of the Columbian Award Application (SP-7). Every council in Arizona received from Supreme, 12 “Surge for Service” CDs. There is one for each of your Council Officers and Council Service Program Chairmen. Use these tools to plan your year. Earning the Star Council Award should your number one goal! By earning this prestigious award, you will grow and strengthen your council to succeed and proper in its future. To help you reach this goal, we will be introducing an exciting State level incentive program at the 2014 Organizational Meeting, on July 12, at St. Timothy Catholic Church, in Mesa. Please look in the State website for more information about the Organizational Meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!
Vivat Jesus!
Larry Becker

State Deputy