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Saturday, August 09, 2014

Holy Hour for Persecuted Christians in Iraq

Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral in Phoenix, site of prayer event on August 22, 2014

Dear Brother Knights:

By now, you've heard about the horrible persecution of the Christians of Iraq. These are desperate times for the Church in Iraq, where ISIS terrorists seized control of Mosul June 11. A week later, they demanded that all Christians either convert to Islam, pay the "infidel" tax or die. Many Christians were killed outright.

Christians have lived on the Nineveh plain (Mosul) for 1,600 years, but now, thousands have had to flee to surrounding villages or Kurdistan. Many were stripped of money, passports, jewelry, vehicles and even their shoes at ISIS checkpoints.

On August 1, 2014 the Mar Abraham Church in Scottsdale held a candlelight vigil to focus attention on the plight of Christians who were driven from their home by the Islamic State. This event was well attended by our Brother Knights. Still, the Christians of Iraq need our continued prayer support.

Brothers, I am asking you to attend a Holy Hour on Friday, August 22, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. This will take place at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral, 6351 N. 27th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85017. Fr. Felix Shabi, pastor of the Chaldean Catholic Church of Arizona, will offer the scriptural reflection at the holy hour.

There will be a collection taken with proceeds sent to the Catholic Church in Iraq to help the persecuted Christians there. Let's pack the cathedral on August 22nd and show our brothers and sisters in Iraq that their suffering is not going unnoticed.

Fraternally yours,

Larry Becker

State Deputy


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