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Monday, August 04, 2014

Transfer of Sliver Rose

Worthy State Deputy,
The Silver Rose has been successfully & joyfully received by your Yuma Arizona Knights of Columbus. 
The Ceremony took place at St Francis of Assisi Church this morning at 1015 in front of the Statue of Our Blessed Virgin Mother. I have attached pictures & will follow up with more due to many MB's/GB's
Many thanks to California Silver Rose Chairman & PDD Jerry Fong, DD Art Barros, Brother Paul Gomez, & Brother Andrew Koon for bringing the Rose from California to Yuma Arizona. Of course all was made possible by our Yuma Silver Rose Chairman Sir Knight Gregg Neff who has consistently volunteered & organized this joyful &  meaningful project to perfection annually for the past few years. The itinerary for the Silver Rose is forthcoming as soon as Brother Gregg finalizes the details through Thursday 01 August. Interestingly, & totally by the Grace of God, was the appearance of our Worthy Chaplain Fr. Ramonito Celestial. Father Ramonito had just finished celebrating Mass on Base/MCAS with me at St Michaels & was called to fill in at St Francis for the 1100 Mass. We got lucky & were blessed to have one of Yuma's best show up for this memorable occasion. 

J. L. Gordon


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