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Saturday, December 20, 2014

4th Degree Exemplification - Jan 2015

Worthy Faithful Navigators and Grand Knights,
The next scheduled Fourth Degree Exemplification will be occurring in Tucson on January 10, 2014 at the Hilton Doubletree Hotel. Link to DoubleTree 

The Fourth Degree is the most visible arm of the Knights of Columbus and represents the last principal of the order: Patriotism. This includes promoting responsible citizenship and love and loyalty to their country. 
Members of the Fourth Degree are asked to participate to serve in the Honor Guard, which serves at civic and religious functions. 

All 3rd Degree members are highly encouraged to further their advancement in to the order by becoming a Fourth Degree member. Members who wear the emblem of the degree are committed to conduct themselves honorably as Catholic gentlemen in both their private and public life as well as patriotically for the good of the country. The Fourth Degree sword represents their reverence for the Eucharist and the Pope, Bishops, and hierarchy of the church, and displays publicly his willingness to protect the Church and Priests. 

The host assembly is Archbishop Daniel J. Gercke Assembly 16 with the Class Honoree Immediate Past State Deputy Bryant Sayers. Link to registration packet. You will need Adobe Reader to view. 

At this time when our way of life is being challenged both locally and globally, we ask that all men rise up to answer the call of becoming a Fourth Degree member to show that we will publicly defend both our rights and religious responsibilities. 

Vivat Jesus!
Bob Holsinger
Arizona State District Master

Tom Kato 
4th Degree Registration Chairman

Michael Saldivar
Archbishop Daniel J. Gercke Assembly 16

Host Assembly Chairman


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