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Sunday, December 14, 2014

New Arizona State Officers


As you may be aware, and with great sadness, our worthy State Secretary Skip Hopler tendered his resignation as a State Officer, effective December 6, 2014. His “paying” job is consuming a great deal of his time and energy, with much travel in the near future. He believes he will in his job for several more years beyond his original plan. He understands the large time it requires to successfully fulfill his State Secretary position, and the increase time and energy to successfully fulfill the pending State Deputy position he may very well hold in the future. He also has his family to take care of.

Skip is a great man, with many talents. He will be sorely missed by the State Council and especially by me. We have become great friends and trusted partners serving together over the years as District Deputies, State Chairmen, and State Officers. I have asked Skip to consider remaining in the State family as a State Director or Chairman, as well as continue serving as a Ceremonialist. Of course, in his usual manner, he said yes. He will work to transition his responsibilities to the next State Secretary.

I have reviewed this with Supreme via our Worthy MPC Jose JimĂ©nez. Supreme recommends that the State Deputy exercises Section 58 of the Supreme Charter, Constitution, and Laws of the Knights of Columbus, “Appointments to fill vacancies in any office of the State Council shall be made for the unexpired term by the State Officers. In case of any vacancy in the office of alternate to the Supreme Council, such vacancy shall be filled by the State Deputy.”

I’d like to thank the Past State Deputies (PSDs) for their kind words and support through this process. I, like them, only want to do what is best for the State and the Order. After much thought and constructive coaching from many of the PSDs, I am very pleased to announce that I installed the following worthy gentlemen into their new State Council positions, in public, on Saturday morning December 6, 2014, at the State Mid-Year Meeting:
  • State Secretary – Sean Halpain
  • State Treasurer – Tom Kalisz
  • State Advocate – Mario Vassallo
  • State Warden – Kevin McCarthy
  • District Deputy #21- Paul Connor
  • District Deputy #32 – Gary Johnson
  • State Program Director – Chet Yancy
  • State Youth Director – Skip Hopler
Please welcome them in their new positions. They are currently working to transition into their new roles. I appreciate your patience with us as this may that a month or so for everyone to be up to speed on their new roles. I have the highest of confidence in these Brother Knights to serve the State and the Order to the best of their abilities.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker


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