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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

42nd Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade is approaching!

Happy New Year!

As you know, January 22, 2015 is the 42nd anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe vs. Wade, when abortion was legalized in our country.  There are many pro-life activities this month that you can participate in and we encourage your council to participate in at least one or do something meaningful for this anniversary.  Only with God's help and our participation will we see an end to abortion in our country.  Here are the opportunities:

January 17th – Tucson March for Life with Bishop Kicanas
St. Augustine Cathedral, Mass starts at 9:00am, March begins in front of the Cathedral at 10:30am, and will walk to Holy Hope Cemetery (3535 North Oracle Road), for a memorial service and Rose Ceremony. https://www.facebook.com/events/626221674128159/

January 18th – Annual Mass for the Unborn with Bishop Olmsted
Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral

January 18th – St. Joan of Arc Respect Life Concert
St. Joan of Arc Respect Life Committee presents a Concert for Life with Chris Muglia on January 18th at 4:00pm.   St. Joan of Arc is located at 3801 E Greenway Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85032. Tickets are $10 Adults, 12 and Under $5 and may be purchased at the door or by calling Deb at the parish at (602) 867-9171.  This concert is a kick-off event for a series of informative and challenging talks in support of life from conception to natural death.

January 22nd – Arizona Student Pro-Life Lobby Day
Arizona Life Coalition and Center for Arizona Policy
10:30AM – 2:30 PM
State Capitol Building

January 23rd – Youth and Young Adult Pro-Life Rally
All Saints Catholic Newman Center
Join Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted and hundreds of others from around the valley for a night of prayer, inspiration, and education in defense of life. The 11th Annual Diocese of Phoenix Youth and Young Adult Pro-Life Rally will be held January 23, 2015 from 7-10 PM at the ASU Newman Center in Tempe. Brian Butler, co-founder of Dumb Ox Ministries and co-author of Theology of the Body for Teens will keynote, as well as an address from Bishop Olmsted, music from Chris Muglia and band, and Eucharistic Procession up A-Mountain. All are welcome!
More information

Aaron & Christine Accurso
Culture of Life Chair Couple
Arizona Knights of Columbus State Council


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