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Tuesday, December 30, 2014



If your council or assembly has a Squire Circle, please forward this message to all the adult Squire leaders in your circle.

As discussed at the State Mid-Year Meeting on Saturday December 6, 2014, Supreme has a new Knights of Columbus Safe Environment Training (SET) program that will be rolled out on January 5, 2015. This will be Phase one of three. And yes, this is in addition to the local Diocesan SET program. Your District Deputy will review this program with his councils during his Mid-Year District Meeting in January 2015. Here is an outline of the message presented at the State Mid-Year Meeting:

Knights of Columbus Safe Environment Program Phase 1:
Starts January 5, 2015 - Supreme will send email invites titled “Welcome to Armatus Online Training” to those members who need to be compliant
The entire training is conducted via computer and on-line via secure login ID and password. There is no instructor led classroom training available
Forms 185 and 365 must be submitted for Supreme to register the proper people in the program
Members who must become compliant in Phase 1:
  • State Deputy
  • State Advocate
  • State Youth Director
  • State Squires Chairman
  • ALL Grand Knights
  • Faithful Navigator (if assembly sponsors a circle)
  • Council or Assembly Youth Director
  • Council or Assembly Columbian Squires Chairman
  • Squire Chief Counselor
  • Squire Committee Counselors

ALL Grand Knights and Faithful Navigators (if assembly sponsors a circle), will be receiving administrative privileges to the online administrative module in January, to monitor their council’s level of compliance. They will have access to a tutorial video demonstrating how to use the administrative module to monitor the compliance of those members occupying mandatory training roles in their council.
  • In July 2015, all the newly elected or appointed officers listed will need to be compliant within the time guidelines
  • Three PDF KofC handbooks are found in the training modules; 1) Youth Leader, 2) GK & FN, & 3) Squires and their parents
  • The handbooks include abuse awareness and duty to report policies
  • All jurisdictions must be 100% compliant by February 19, 2015
  • On or within 30 days of the Knight becomes a Squire youth leader (Phase 1: February 4, 2015)
  • There is an additional 15 days, if not compliant with the first 30 days (Phase 1: February 19, 2015)
  • On 46Th day, if not compliant, Supreme will remove them from their Squire youth leadership role. They will NOT be removed from the Order
  • The Grand Knight will be advised to find a new Squire youth leader
  • If no new Squire youth leader is appointed within a given period of time, Supreme will close the Squire’s Circle
  • Safe Environment Hot Line: 1-844-KOFCSAFE
  • Praesidium is the vendor
  • Each member listed above will need to certify every 2 years
  • This is in addition to the annual Diocesan certification/renewal

At this time, we have no information on Phase 2 or 3. You will be notified about these phases as soon as we know the information

Worthy Grand Knight and Worthy Faithful Navigator (if assembly sponsors a circle), we strongly urge you to obtain compliance from your council and assembly once the online training requirements are sent in January. Thorough knowledge of best practices in youth protection and safe environments at every level of the Order is the best defense against child abuse, false accusations, misunderstandings, and the appearance of impropriety. Our goal is 100% compliance for our jurisdiction so as to ensure the safest possible environment for the young people served through Knights of Columbus programs. We have a duty to report any and all issues relating to youth protection and safe environments to the Office of the Supreme Advocate and/or the Knights of Columbus Safe Environment hotline at 1-844-KOFC-SAFE (1-844-563-2723) and/or local authorities. It is also necessary to reach out to a local pastor and/or a diocesan safe environment representative depending on the particular facts and circumstances of a given case. The Order has procedures and protocols for effectively addressing allegations of wrongdoing, but it can do so only if it receives timely notification from fraternal leaders in the field. Upon receipt of such critical information, state deputies should convey it immediately to the Office of the Supreme Advocate. 

With your full participation and commitment to the Knights of Columbus Safe Environment Program, the Order will continue to be among the very safest environments available today for young people.

Please feel free to reach out to either State Advocate Mario Vassallo or State Deputy Larry Becker if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker                                       Mario Vassallo
State Deputy                                     State Advocate
Arizona State Council                     Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus                      Knights of Columbus
azlarry@cox.net                               azkofcmario@gmail.com  


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