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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

42nd Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade is approaching!

Happy New Year!

As you know, January 22, 2015 is the 42nd anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe vs. Wade, when abortion was legalized in our country.  There are many pro-life activities this month that you can participate in and we encourage your council to participate in at least one or do something meaningful for this anniversary.  Only with God's help and our participation will we see an end to abortion in our country.  Here are the opportunities:

January 17th – Tucson March for Life with Bishop Kicanas
St. Augustine Cathedral, Mass starts at 9:00am, March begins in front of the Cathedral at 10:30am, and will walk to Holy Hope Cemetery (3535 North Oracle Road), for a memorial service and Rose Ceremony. https://www.facebook.com/events/626221674128159/

January 18th – Annual Mass for the Unborn with Bishop Olmsted
Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral

January 18th – St. Joan of Arc Respect Life Concert
St. Joan of Arc Respect Life Committee presents a Concert for Life with Chris Muglia on January 18th at 4:00pm.   St. Joan of Arc is located at 3801 E Greenway Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85032. Tickets are $10 Adults, 12 and Under $5 and may be purchased at the door or by calling Deb at the parish at (602) 867-9171.  This concert is a kick-off event for a series of informative and challenging talks in support of life from conception to natural death.

January 22nd – Arizona Student Pro-Life Lobby Day
Arizona Life Coalition and Center for Arizona Policy
10:30AM – 2:30 PM
State Capitol Building

January 23rd – Youth and Young Adult Pro-Life Rally
All Saints Catholic Newman Center
Join Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted and hundreds of others from around the valley for a night of prayer, inspiration, and education in defense of life. The 11th Annual Diocese of Phoenix Youth and Young Adult Pro-Life Rally will be held January 23, 2015 from 7-10 PM at the ASU Newman Center in Tempe. Brian Butler, co-founder of Dumb Ox Ministries and co-author of Theology of the Body for Teens will keynote, as well as an address from Bishop Olmsted, music from Chris Muglia and band, and Eucharistic Procession up A-Mountain. All are welcome!
More information

Aaron & Christine Accurso
Culture of Life Chair Couple
Arizona Knights of Columbus State Council

Tuesday, December 30, 2014



If your council or assembly has a Squire Circle, please forward this message to all the adult Squire leaders in your circle.

As discussed at the State Mid-Year Meeting on Saturday December 6, 2014, Supreme has a new Knights of Columbus Safe Environment Training (SET) program that will be rolled out on January 5, 2015. This will be Phase one of three. And yes, this is in addition to the local Diocesan SET program. Your District Deputy will review this program with his councils during his Mid-Year District Meeting in January 2015. Here is an outline of the message presented at the State Mid-Year Meeting:

Knights of Columbus Safe Environment Program Phase 1:
Starts January 5, 2015 - Supreme will send email invites titled “Welcome to Armatus Online Training” to those members who need to be compliant
The entire training is conducted via computer and on-line via secure login ID and password. There is no instructor led classroom training available
Forms 185 and 365 must be submitted for Supreme to register the proper people in the program
Members who must become compliant in Phase 1:
  • State Deputy
  • State Advocate
  • State Youth Director
  • State Squires Chairman
  • ALL Grand Knights
  • Faithful Navigator (if assembly sponsors a circle)
  • Council or Assembly Youth Director
  • Council or Assembly Columbian Squires Chairman
  • Squire Chief Counselor
  • Squire Committee Counselors

ALL Grand Knights and Faithful Navigators (if assembly sponsors a circle), will be receiving administrative privileges to the online administrative module in January, to monitor their council’s level of compliance. They will have access to a tutorial video demonstrating how to use the administrative module to monitor the compliance of those members occupying mandatory training roles in their council.
  • In July 2015, all the newly elected or appointed officers listed will need to be compliant within the time guidelines
  • Three PDF KofC handbooks are found in the training modules; 1) Youth Leader, 2) GK & FN, & 3) Squires and their parents
  • The handbooks include abuse awareness and duty to report policies
  • All jurisdictions must be 100% compliant by February 19, 2015
  • On or within 30 days of the Knight becomes a Squire youth leader (Phase 1: February 4, 2015)
  • There is an additional 15 days, if not compliant with the first 30 days (Phase 1: February 19, 2015)
  • On 46Th day, if not compliant, Supreme will remove them from their Squire youth leadership role. They will NOT be removed from the Order
  • The Grand Knight will be advised to find a new Squire youth leader
  • If no new Squire youth leader is appointed within a given period of time, Supreme will close the Squire’s Circle
  • Safe Environment Hot Line: 1-844-KOFCSAFE
  • Praesidium is the vendor
  • Each member listed above will need to certify every 2 years
  • This is in addition to the annual Diocesan certification/renewal

At this time, we have no information on Phase 2 or 3. You will be notified about these phases as soon as we know the information

Worthy Grand Knight and Worthy Faithful Navigator (if assembly sponsors a circle), we strongly urge you to obtain compliance from your council and assembly once the online training requirements are sent in January. Thorough knowledge of best practices in youth protection and safe environments at every level of the Order is the best defense against child abuse, false accusations, misunderstandings, and the appearance of impropriety. Our goal is 100% compliance for our jurisdiction so as to ensure the safest possible environment for the young people served through Knights of Columbus programs. We have a duty to report any and all issues relating to youth protection and safe environments to the Office of the Supreme Advocate and/or the Knights of Columbus Safe Environment hotline at 1-844-KOFC-SAFE (1-844-563-2723) and/or local authorities. It is also necessary to reach out to a local pastor and/or a diocesan safe environment representative depending on the particular facts and circumstances of a given case. The Order has procedures and protocols for effectively addressing allegations of wrongdoing, but it can do so only if it receives timely notification from fraternal leaders in the field. Upon receipt of such critical information, state deputies should convey it immediately to the Office of the Supreme Advocate. 

With your full participation and commitment to the Knights of Columbus Safe Environment Program, the Order will continue to be among the very safest environments available today for young people.

Please feel free to reach out to either State Advocate Mario Vassallo or State Deputy Larry Becker if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker                                       Mario Vassallo
State Deputy                                     State Advocate
Arizona State Council                     Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus                      Knights of Columbus
azlarry@cox.net                               azkofcmario@gmail.com  

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas from the Arizona Knights of Columbus


Vivat Jesus!


Larry Becker



Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Rosary for Life Christmas Eve

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Parade of Lights DownTown Tucson, KofC float, on NBC News

Sir Knight Antonio Otero was interviewed on the NBC News affiliate, KVOA, channel 4.  Click on the web address.
Approximate marker 043 to marker to 058 on the video.
A Blessed and Merry Christmas to all, Ray

Saturday, December 20, 2014

KofC Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest display


Just visit St Thomas Aquinas Church in Avondale and found in church hall KofC Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest display
Congratulate to all winners and Council 11675 for participation.
Vivat Jesus!

4th Degree Exemplification - Jan 2015

Worthy Faithful Navigators and Grand Knights,
The next scheduled Fourth Degree Exemplification will be occurring in Tucson on January 10, 2014 at the Hilton Doubletree Hotel. Link to DoubleTree 

The Fourth Degree is the most visible arm of the Knights of Columbus and represents the last principal of the order: Patriotism. This includes promoting responsible citizenship and love and loyalty to their country. 
Members of the Fourth Degree are asked to participate to serve in the Honor Guard, which serves at civic and religious functions. 

All 3rd Degree members are highly encouraged to further their advancement in to the order by becoming a Fourth Degree member. Members who wear the emblem of the degree are committed to conduct themselves honorably as Catholic gentlemen in both their private and public life as well as patriotically for the good of the country. The Fourth Degree sword represents their reverence for the Eucharist and the Pope, Bishops, and hierarchy of the church, and displays publicly his willingness to protect the Church and Priests. 

The host assembly is Archbishop Daniel J. Gercke Assembly 16 with the Class Honoree Immediate Past State Deputy Bryant Sayers. Link to registration packet. You will need Adobe Reader to view. 

At this time when our way of life is being challenged both locally and globally, we ask that all men rise up to answer the call of becoming a Fourth Degree member to show that we will publicly defend both our rights and religious responsibilities. 

Vivat Jesus!
Bob Holsinger
Arizona State District Master

Tom Kato 
4th Degree Registration Chairman

Michael Saldivar
Archbishop Daniel J. Gercke Assembly 16

Host Assembly Chairman

Sunday, December 14, 2014

New Arizona State Officers


As you may be aware, and with great sadness, our worthy State Secretary Skip Hopler tendered his resignation as a State Officer, effective December 6, 2014. His “paying” job is consuming a great deal of his time and energy, with much travel in the near future. He believes he will in his job for several more years beyond his original plan. He understands the large time it requires to successfully fulfill his State Secretary position, and the increase time and energy to successfully fulfill the pending State Deputy position he may very well hold in the future. He also has his family to take care of.

Skip is a great man, with many talents. He will be sorely missed by the State Council and especially by me. We have become great friends and trusted partners serving together over the years as District Deputies, State Chairmen, and State Officers. I have asked Skip to consider remaining in the State family as a State Director or Chairman, as well as continue serving as a Ceremonialist. Of course, in his usual manner, he said yes. He will work to transition his responsibilities to the next State Secretary.

I have reviewed this with Supreme via our Worthy MPC Jose Jiménez. Supreme recommends that the State Deputy exercises Section 58 of the Supreme Charter, Constitution, and Laws of the Knights of Columbus, “Appointments to fill vacancies in any office of the State Council shall be made for the unexpired term by the State Officers. In case of any vacancy in the office of alternate to the Supreme Council, such vacancy shall be filled by the State Deputy.”

I’d like to thank the Past State Deputies (PSDs) for their kind words and support through this process. I, like them, only want to do what is best for the State and the Order. After much thought and constructive coaching from many of the PSDs, I am very pleased to announce that I installed the following worthy gentlemen into their new State Council positions, in public, on Saturday morning December 6, 2014, at the State Mid-Year Meeting:
  • State Secretary – Sean Halpain
  • State Treasurer – Tom Kalisz
  • State Advocate – Mario Vassallo
  • State Warden – Kevin McCarthy
  • District Deputy #21- Paul Connor
  • District Deputy #32 – Gary Johnson
  • State Program Director – Chet Yancy
  • State Youth Director – Skip Hopler
Please welcome them in their new positions. They are currently working to transition into their new roles. I appreciate your patience with us as this may that a month or so for everyone to be up to speed on their new roles. I have the highest of confidence in these Brother Knights to serve the State and the Order to the best of their abilities.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Christmas Parade Glendale AZ 12-13-14

Glendale Christmas Parade

Sunday, December 07, 2014

Wrap up of mid year meeting including the DD's wives. http://t.co/qJzhR3scDi

Wrap up of mid year meeting including the DD's wives. http://t.co/qJzhR3scDi

December 07, 2014 at 11:52AM


Mid Year meeting - DD presentation. http://t.co/1aIjbdTEP8

Mid Year meeting - DD presentation. http://t.co/1aIjbdTEP8
December 07, 2014 at 09:06AM


Saturday, December 06, 2014

Arizona Knights of Columbus Mid-Year Meeting in Lake Havasu St. Thomas More 6442 http://t.co/epgcmAcer5

Arizona Knights of Columbus Mid-Year Meeting in Lake Havasu St. Thomas More 6442 http://t.co/epgcmAcer5

December 06, 2014 at 11:07AM


Monday, December 01, 2014

State Deputy Message - December 2014

Twas the Knight Before Christmas

Twas the Knight before Christmas, when all through the council chamber,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a member.
The blank Form 100’s were stacked by the fin sec with care,
In hopes that the membership chairman soon would be there.

The members were nestled all snug in their chairs,
While visions of pancakes danced in their heads.
And the officers in their jewels, and I ready to wrap my gavel,
Had just settled our brains for a long meeting of babble.

When out in the hall there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the podium to see what was the matter.
Away to the door I flew like a flash,
Tore open the handle and ran with a dash.

The light on the floor of the long narrow hall
Provided the vision of a man standing tall.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But the membership chairman, with our pillars and candidates in the rear.

The membership chairman, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be Brother Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now, Charity! Now, Unity! Now, Fraternity and Patriotism!
On, Church! On, Service! On, Family and Catholicism!
To the front of the chamber! To a place near the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

And then, in a twinkling, I heard in the chamber,
The prancing and sounds of each new prospective member.
As I drew up my gavel, and was turning around,
Raising his hand Brother Nick waved with a bound.

He addressed all of the council, introducing his guests,
And then led them all back out the door so we can do our best.
On the way out, a bundle of Form 100s he had flung to the financial secretary,
And he looked like a Star Recruiter, all jolly and merry.

I opened the meeting and with a motion and second we voted them in,
We decided to hold the degree that night, and welcome them like kin, 
Our founder will be proud of our council growing stronger,
And know that our council will survive for years longer!

I sprang to the chambers, to my team I gave a wrap,
And away they all flew to bring new members back.
And they heard me exclaim, that a Star Council is in sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good Knight!"

Vivat Jesus!
Larry Becker
Arizona State Deputy, Knights of Columbus

December 1, 2014

2015 State Convention

December  1, 2014
It is my pleasure to extend to you and your family an invitation to join us at the 2015 Arizona State Convention. I am excited to have you join us at this convention and look forward to seeing you. This convention promises to be informative, productive, and fun.
The Host Councils’ Convention Committee has been working diligently to make you feel welcome and at home in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona. The Scottsdale Plaza will be the hotel headquarters for the weekend.
Not only will we be conducting the business of the State Council, electing our State Officers, and voting on resolutions, we will also be celebrating our successes of this fraternal year. There will be lots of time for fraternal bounding and enjoying the many hotel amenities. The hotel rooms are beautiful and the pools are cool! Oh and yes, we will have hospitality rooms open on Friday and Saturday nights!
Please register at the hotel and with the Host Committee. You can also place an ad or booster in the Convention Program Book. This year, there will also be an electronic version of the Convention Program Book. Please make your plans to join us for this exciting event!

The Convention Website is here:

Vivat Jesus!
Larry Becker
State Deputy