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Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Free Throw Championship Information

Brother Knight’s,
It’s hard to believe that 2015 is upon us.  With the start of the New Year we need to be thinking about the State Free Throw Championship.  We are Joe Danko and Howard Birnbaum and are co-chairing this event.  We would  like to begin by thanking past Chairman Stoney Wims for his leadership over the past few years.
The Free Throw Championship is a Supreme sponsored activity and has grown each and every year thanks to your active and early involvement in getting the word out.  Now is the time to get started and plan this year’s Championship at the Council and District levels. Below are some key dates and general information for you to review at your upcoming Officer’s and Council Meeting’s.
·         Council Level Championships should be completed by the end of January
·         District Level Championships must be completed before the State Championship
·         State Free Throw Championship will be February 28, 2015 at Notre Dame Catholic High School in Scottsdale.  Sign-in starts at 9 AM with Free Throw competition beginning around 10:15 AM; awards will be presented at noon and a light lunch served around 12:30 PM.
Please select your Free Throw Chairman now, order the Free Throw Championship kit from Supreme, and start planning today!  Working with other Councils in your District may also be helpful.  Some areas may not have access to basketball courts so pooling resources to complete this great program would be beneficial.  If you need any assistance getting the word out or working with another Council let us know and we will be happy to help.
This is also a great way to build our membership by showcasing this great program to your Parish and Community.
Let’s make this the best and most attended year yet!  Please contact one of us if you have any questions. 
Vivat Jesus,
Joe Danko                                                                 Howard Birnbaum
PKG, PFN, District Deputy, District 15                 GK, Council 7465
State Basketball FT Co-chairman                         State Basketball FT Co-chairman

joedanko@cox.net; cell: 602-710-0418                   buckbirn@aol.com  cell: 602-809-5442


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