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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Building the 4th Degree, Through the First Degree

Brothers and Sir Knights,

I am proud to introduce a new program for ALL 4th Degree Sir Knights in Arizona called, “Building the 4th Degree, Through the 1st Degree.” Starting today, January 24, 2015, until June 30, 2015, all Sir Knights can qualify to participate in this new program if they truly believe in strengthening their assembly and the 4th Degree in Arizona. Please read the attached document on the details. Please share this with your assembly as soon as possible. District Master SK Bob Holsinger and I hope to present you with your special 4th Degree recognition at the 2015 State Convention!

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.
Vivat Jesus!

SK Larry Becker

 January 24, 2015 
Sir Knights, 
To be called a “Sir Knight” is an honor and a privilege! It is perhaps the title I am most proud of in our great Order. I am very proud to be part of the visible arm of the Order. 

Are you aware that less than 1.5% of all 4th Degree Knights leave the Order on their own? Are you also aware that the average age of all Sir Knights in the Order is 64 years old? I truly value my interactions with our elder Sir Knights. They have a wealth of wisdom and knowledge available for us to learn. All we need to do is ask. However, today, there are more Sir Knights dying than are being brought into the 4th Degree. If we continue at this rate, in a matter of a few short years, the 4th Degree will be only a fraction of the size that it is today. 

We are in desperate times. We need to recruit more 4th Degree members to survive! We need to continue to ask current 3rd Degree members to join the 4th Degree. Perhaps the easiest way to get a new 4th Degree member, is to recruit new 1st Degree members into our councils. As an active proposer, we will be able to guide them quickly through the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degree, and then into the 4th Degree. We need to invite more Catholic men into our Order so we continue to grow in strength to support our Bishops and Priests, our Church, and our community. 

As an added incentive to the current Arizona Star Recruiter program, and to help grow the 4th Degree in Arizona, we are introducing a new program, “Building the 4th Degree, Through the 1st Degree”, especially for 4th Degree members who recruit new members into their councils. Starting today, January 24, 2015 until June 30, 2015, any 4th Degree Knight who recruits a new member through their 1st Degree, will receive the 2014-2015 Arizona Star Recruiter pin plus an additional special 4th Degree commemorative gift. All you need to do is recruit a new member through his 1st Degree and complete the 2014-2015 Arizona Star Recruiter application form found under the Membership tab on the Arizona State website www.azknightsofcolumbus.org/p/membership.html , write the words “4th Degree” boldly written on the top of the form. Then, mail the form to Arizona State Council Knights of Columbus, 14175 West Indian School Rd Suite B4-626, Goodyear, Arizona 85395. This added 4th Degree award will be presented to those who earn it, at either the State Convention on Friday May 15, 2015 and at the State Organizational Meeting in July 2015. 

Please remember that your responsibility as a proposer is to stay with the new member through their Knights of Columbus career. Please continue to invite him to take his 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Degrees. You should be at the exemplifications with him, to support and celebrate his growth in the Order. You are helping him become a future leader in your council and assembly. 

By living our state theme “I will choose Christ, I will choose love, I choose to serve”, you will exemplify our four principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. With this, our current members and our new members can be a strong force in your council, assembly, Catholic Church, family and community. 

Vivat Jesus! 

Larry Becker State Deputy Arizona State Council Knights of Columbus 


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