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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January Message from Church Director

Dear brothers,

As a Deacon of the Church, I am present at births, marriages, and deaths. It is very humbling when all three occasions occur for the same person. We must all give thanks to our God for the gift of life and always be prepared for the inevitable death that we will all succumb to. Be prayerful. Pray the rosary as we promised in our first degree.

Lent is fast approaching. This is a wonderful time to consider the gifts we have and how we share our time, talent, and treasure with those less fortunate than ourselves. This lenten season, I encourage my brother knight's to attend the Stations of the Cross at your parish or one nearby. This is a wonderful way for us to meditate on the life of Jesus and the message of charity that he shared in both word and deed. Consider making this a council function and move one step closer to Star Council.

Do you have a Deacon in your council? Ask them to do a Lenten retreat for the council. 

Please know that you are in my prayers, especially as I serve at the altar.

God bless you and those you love.

Dcn. Bruce Bennett, EdD


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