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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Knights of Columbus Safe Environment


This afternoon, I spoke on the phone with Supreme about many of the issues presented to me by Brother Knights throughout Arizona on the Knights of Columbus Safe Environment program, which was instituted on January 5, 2015. Next week, Supreme will be mailing a message and materials to update all of the State Deputies in the Order on this program. I will share this with you when I receive them. Here are some of the key points that I learned today that you should know about this important program which was designed to keep the children in our community safe and help you negotiate what to do if a child reports an incident to you:

·         This is Phase 1 of the program. All of the positions listed below must be compliant by February 19, 2015, by watching Praesidiumin’s 3 on-line video programs.
o   State Deputy
o   State Advocate
o   State Youth Director
o   State Squire Chairman
o   ALL Grand Knights
o   All Faithful Navigators who’s Assembly has a Squire Circle
o   All adult Squire leaders

·         The only position required to be do a back ground check are adult Squire leaders, as they have direct interaction with children. All of the other positions do NOT have to do the back ground check.

·         Only the adult Squires leaders will be removed from their Squires position if they do not comply with this program and back ground check. They will not be removed from the Order. No other position listed above will be removed for not being compliant. As leaders in our Councils, we hope that all will be compliant without issue. This sets a good example for our members and community, showing that we believe our children’s safety is on top of our priority list.

·         In the few weeks, Supreme will have printed books available for those Brother Knights who do not have on-line access to a computer. With this, they can be compliant with the program.

·         As of now, the Knights of Columbus Safe Environment program needs to be taken in addition to your Diocesan Safe Environment program. Some day we hope to be in position to do one or the other.

·         The emails you are receiving on this program are from a secure vendor Praesidiumin. The Supreme office contracted with them to conduct the safe environment Armatus Online Training. These are legitimate emails. They are NOT a scam or fraud.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker


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