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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

New KofC Supreme Council Incentive for Star Council Award


As you may be aware, we have been encouraging every council in the Arizona jurisdiction to earn the prestigious Star Council Award this fraternal year. We are also encouraging every council to submit to Supreme their Columbian Award Application (SP7) by April 1, 2015. We strongly believe that every council in Arizona is deserving of these honors for the great work they are doing to strengthen their council’s membership and their programs to support our Church. The Supreme Council also believes that Star Council is the most important award a council can earn. They believe this so much that they are introducing a new incentive to encourage councils to earn the Star Council Award for the 2014-2015 fraternal year.

On February 25, 2015, the Supreme Council announced an important addition for councils who achieve the Star Council Award. If a council qualifies, at any level, for the Star Council Award in the 2014-2015 fraternal year, that council will receive a credit for the 2015-2016 fraternal year of $4.50 for each billable member on their roster as of July1, 2015.

Here is an example: If a council has 100 members on its roster on July 1, 2015, that council will receive a credit on their September 2015 Supreme Statement for $450.00 ($3.50 Per Capita and $1.00 Catholic Advertising per billable member). (Honorary life and disability waivers are examples of non-billable members.)

Please feel free to reach out to your District Deputy, Assigned State Officer, or to me for any support we can offer to you to help your council earn this award.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Knights Night - 40 Days for Life - Feb 28

Brother Knights,

Lent is a time for Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving.  What better opportunity for us, as the Knights of Columbus, to join efforts with the “40 Days for Life” Program.

Saturday, February 28, 2015 has been scheduled, especially for brother Knights, as "Knight Shift" where we are being called to pray for two hours in front of a late term abortion center.

Here are the details:
February 28, 2015
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Family Planning Associates
1331 N 7th Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85006

As I think about abortion, I am reminded of these words,
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Edmund Burke

I pray that you will join your brothers in the Knights of Columbus throughout Arizona in this prayer event to fight for the unborn.

"The Knights of Columbus remains firmly committed to defending the right to life of every human being, from the moment of conception to natural death."

Your brother in Christ,

Vivat Jesus!

 SK Mike Rimbey
40 Days for Life State Chairman
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus

To volunteer more during the 40 Days for Life Campaign, please visit www.40daysforlife.com
I will choose Christ
I will choose love
I choose to serve

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Council 11116 PWID Check Presentation

In the attached picture you see Grand Knight Cory Schidler and Financial
Secretary Rich Maes presenting Knights of Columbus Council 11116 donation
to Mary Hadsall, Executive Director of Camelot Therapeutic Horsemanship.
The donation was half the proceeds of our Tootsie Roll Drive for PWID.

You can see the horse in the picture is trying to eat the donation.

The name of the horse is Cough Drop, they call him that because "he is a
little horse". LOL !

If you would like to make an additional donation to this worthwhile
organization, please visit their web site: http://www.camelotaz.org/

Vivat Jesus !

Friday, February 13, 2015

PWID Check - Council 13895 - Maricopa

Grand Knight Chuck Morene from Council 13895 handing over a check for $600 to Maricopa School District representatives in support of students with intellectual disabilities. Funds were raised through the annual PWI Drive. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Reaching for the Stars

Thank you to all who participated in the ³Reaching for the Stars program.
Attached is a picture from the meeting at St. Patrick¹s Council #12449.
The documents can be found here.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

FW: SOAZ Coronado Area Basketball/Cheerleading Competition

Good Afternoon Brothers,

        The Special Olympics Arizona Coronado Area Basketball/Cheerleading competition was held this past Saturday (2/7/15).
Saint Pius X Council provided six (6) volunteers for this event.
I was not able to attend due to being out of the state on vacation.

Fred Falgiano filled in for me and coordinated the event for the Knights.
Brother Fred did an outstanding job!!!.

Attached are a couple of pictures from the event.

Vivat Jesus!!!


Kevin Donnelly
State Special Olympics Chairman
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (520) 370-9041


Sunday, February 08, 2015

Donation to Tucson VA Hospital - Knights in action

  Jerry Bonham (far left) and Past District Master Jim Maino (far right) take time from volunteering at the Tucson Veterans' hospital to join PFN Drew Mansager to present a $1,000 check from Fr. Henry Miller Assembly 2308 in Tucson to Deborah Brookshire, Chief of Volunteer Services at the Tucson VA hospital.
  The donation is for comfort items needed by VA patients.  

Friday, February 06, 2015

Green Valley Rotary Club Presentation

Rotary Club presentation: Wheelchair presentations

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Pray to End Abortion with 40 Days for Life's Campaign Director Shawn Carney in AZ


Please read the message below. If at all possible, please plan to join me and attend this rally to show our support for this great program and possibly bring it closer to our State’s programs. This is truly a spiritual, prayer program that saves lives of the unborn! This is a great grass roots type of program that every KofC council in Arizona should be participating in!

Brother Shawn Carney is a Knight of Columbus from Texas. Locally, Lisa Blevins has been a great ally in helping our state organization come closer to the 40 Day’s for Life efforts in Arizona.

Perhaps we should encourage the entire state to attend this rally! Thoughts?

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker

Monday, February 02, 2015

2015 Charity Raffle

The Charity Raffle material was given to all District Deputies for distribution to their councils at the Mid-Winter meeting.  Charity raffle tickets posters and envelopes with a letter and manual was included for the Grand Knight, Chaplain, Raffle Chairman, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer of each council that sold tickets last year.  Councils that did not sell tickets last year were included if the Grand Knights replied to an e-mail that they want to participate this year.

Raffle Manual
Raffle Poster

The letter and manual for the chaplains is new this year. This is an option for Grand Knights that meet with their Chaplains or Parish Priest to give them their envelope as a door opener to discuss the Charity Raffle. There was a typo in the Chaplains letter.  Attached is the corrected copy.  Please fill in the name, print, and exchange with the letter that is in his envelope.  If your information did not contain the Chaplain letter it was because we did not have his name.  Send me e-mail with his name and address for our records.  I will mail you a manual and a letter for him.

If you do not have the raffle material, contact your District Deputy. 

Richard Armanini
State Charity Raffle Director
3315 E Dry Creek Road

Phoenix AZ  85044-7022

Sunday, February 01, 2015

Mass and Lunch Catholic Professional Athletes for Christ

Attached are pictures from the Professional Athletes for Christ mass and lunch.
Photo's courtesy of Nancy Weichec.

Orange Harvest at the Monastery

Despite the rain there were about 25 people from several of the councils on hand to pick oranges today. 

Work halted around 10:30 AM and we were called to lunch with the Sisters at 11 AM. 

Since we did not finish, the work will continue next weekend at 8 AM on Saturday, Feb 7 for those that can help.  They juiced about 32 gallons of great tasting orange juice today.  Thanks for everyone’s help!

Here are a few pics from this morning.

Bob Messenger
Knights of Columbus Council 10762

State Deputy Message - February 2015

February 1, 2015


Now, we are in the thick of things! We have five more months to this fraternal year. Now is the time to focus our energies on strengthening our force to support our Bishops and Priests, our Parishes, our communities, and our council. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson says, “Together we could be an enormous force for good in a world that so obviously needs the love of God and love of neighbor, which are reflected in our work.” In Arizona, we have several opportunities in February to help you and your council to meet this expectation.

Knights of Columbus stand in solidarity with our Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. At his ordination, a Deacon receives the power of worthily assisting the Priest and the Bishop and of preaching the Gospel. A Priest, like the apostles, gives up the things of the world and dedicates his life entirely to God and His service, wishing only the Lord for his portion. At his ordination, a Priest receives the power of forgiving sin and of offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. He is made another Christ; a living representative of the Redeemer, Whose work he continues. Bishops are ordained to receive the power of confirming and ordaining. He is given the plentitude of the Priesthood and is made a Successor of the Apostles. Our great Order was founded by a Priest, Father Michael McGivney. In February, we have several opportunities to show our appreciation to our Clergy. On February 6, the Knights of Columbus are hosting the Diocese of Phoenix Priest Appreciation Dinner, at Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral, in the Our Lady of Loreto Center. On February 17, the Knights of Columbus are hosting the Diocese of Tucson Priest Appreciation Dinner, at St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Catholic Church. And, on February 23, the Knights of Columbus are hosting the Yuma La Paz Vicariate Religious Appreciation Dinner, at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, in the Fr. John Friel Centre. I invite all Knights in Arizona to attend one of these dinners and bring your Parish Deacons and Priests with you.

A goal for every council should include being a fully active council by earning the Star Council Award in the 2014-2015 fraternal year. The Star Council Award is the pinnacle achievement which shows that your council is working to support its members’ families, and bring relevant programs to its membership, parish, and community. The Star Council Award recognizes outstanding achievement in membership, insurance and service program activities. Councils must conduct and report at least four major programs in each of the Service Program categories: Church, community, council, family, culture of life, and youth. From February 9 to 12, the Arizona State Council will be hosting “Reach for the Stars” Workshops, with three in the Phoenix metro area, and one in the Tucson metro area. Please plan to attend one of these workshops to help you achieve Star Council, Star District, and Circle of Honor.

Remember that by living our State theme, “I will choose Christ, I will choose love, I choose to serve”, you and your council will exemplify our four principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. With this, your current members and your new members can be an enormous force for good in your council, Church, family, and community.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker