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Friday, October 03, 2014

Host Voter Registration

Knights of Columbus Are Urged to Make Informed Decisions During November's Elections and Participate in Nonpartisan National Voter Registration Program

During a recent conference at the Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona State Deputy Larry Becker spoke to how the Knights, as informed Catholics, are actively involved in the "Public Square."

State Deputy Becker said, "The Knights of Columbus encourage its members to meet their responsibilities as Catholic citizens and to become active in the political life of their local communities, to vote and to speak out as individual citizens on the public issues of the day and to make their choices about who leads and represents us, all in alignment with Catholic teachings."

In addition to voting one's conscience, Knights are encouraged to participate in programs that support the democratic ideals upon which this nation was founded. To that end Knights of Columbus should register to vote and should encourage other members of their families, parishes, and communities to register.  To fill this need, the Knights of Columbus has developed the parish based Nonpartisan National Voter Registration Program, the goal of which is to enable members to help fellow Catholics exercise their right to vote.

This important program is being conducted in September and October, 2014. To participate, Grand Knights must first obtain a local pastor's permission, the Grand Knight should log on to the Officers' Desk Reference and select the "Nonpartisan Voter Registration Program" tab to review the webcast training and related instructions and materials referred to below.   This will help ensure that the Grand Knight and the members of the council are properly trained on how to administer this program. Please also review the "Catholic Citizenship and Public Policy" and "Guidelines For Political Activity" entries under the "Political Issues" tab of the Officers' Desk Reference. 

State Deputy Becker states that, "Knights believe that in the realm of everyday affairs we are conduct ourselves with integrity, kindness, respect, hospitality, and civility."

"Through our strength, with our members and conviction, we are to defend Religious Liberty, the Culture of Life, Marriage, and the Family. In Arizona, the Knights of Columbus, along with our Church, support these ideals. My Brother Knights, I urge you to publicly support these values and vote with your conscience. I also urge you to ask men and their families to join the Knights of Columbus to help us in even greater strength to support these values," concluded the Arizona State Deputy.


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