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Friday, October 10, 2014

Special Olympics Arizona Volunteering at Fall Games


Special Olympics Arizona is conducting their Fall Games in Peoria, Arizona on October 17, 2014. They are in need of volunteers! This is an excellent opportunity for you to help at a great program! Please read the message below and sign up today.

Vivat Jesus!

Kevin Donnelly
State Special Olympics Chairman
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
Cell: (520) 370-9041

For Fall Games, we have spots for volunteers at the Softball venue on Friday morning.  The nice thing is Bocce is being played adjacent to the Softball field so volunteers there have the potential of seeing both venues.
The shift starts at 7:30am and volunteers will help with Olympic Village (games, snacks, etc.), and scoring on the softball fields.  Below is the information for the shift.  Anyone interested can email me.  I will also let the Games Management Team at Softball know that we may have some Knights coming out so if anyone doesn’t get a chance to register, they just need to identify themselves as a Knight at the check-in table and we will get them checked in.  I also attached the information for Aquatics, in the event you need to find the venue on your own on Saturday.
Thank you for signing up to volunteer at the Special Olympics Arizona Fall Games Competition.  With your help, and the hundreds of volunteers just like you, this will be the best games yet.
Where: Pioneer Park ~ 8755 N 83rd Ave ~ Peoria, AZ 85345.  Please come in the entrance off of 83rd Ave, just north of Butler Ave.  Volunteers will check in at the volunteer tent east of the parking lot.
When: 10/17/2014 morning Shift  - 7:30am-12:30pm (Please be aware that while we try to follow our schedule, shift times may vary and we ask that you remain at your volunteer post until relieved by a staff person or Games Management Team personnel.)
What to wear: Please wear comfortable shoes, preferably close toed, and shorts or lightweight pants.  Volunteer shirts will be available to all volunteers.  A $5.00 donation is suggested, but not required.  Hats or visors are also recommended as the many areas are not fully shaded.  Sunscreen is also recommended.
Volunteer roles: Volunteers will act as scorekeepers, help with Olympic Village and Individual skills.  Each role will be assigned in a first come, first served basis.  If you have experience in any of the positions (i.e. scorekeeping), please let us know or mention that when you check in.
What to bring: A picture ID is recommended as well as a camera if you would like to bring back memories from the event.  Special Olympics souvenirs will be available for purchase on site, and we accept cash, checks, debit and credit cards.  There will not be a secure area to store personal belongings, so please be sure to take that into consideration.
Food and Drink: Water will be available for all volunteers at all times.  Lunch will not be provided to volunteers.  Limited snacks will be available for all volunteers, so feel free to bring additional food items with you.  Due to allergies, please refrain from bringing any snacks with nuts that may cause injury to any athletes that may come in contact with it.
Code of Conduct: To keep this event fun and family-friendly, we ask that volunteers refrain from using adult language.   As a volunteer, if you see anything that concerns you (safety, behavior, etc.) please speak directly to a Special Olympics Arizona staff person or Games Management Team official.  
Most of all have fun!  If there is anything we can do to increase your enjoyment of the event, just let us know.



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