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Saturday, August 22, 2015

PP Protest Around the State

Planned Parenthood Protests from around the state from August 22, 2015.
Check out our Facebook link for more pictures.

Friday, August 21, 2015

National Day of Protest Against Planned Parenthood Events in Tucson, Glendale, Tempe, Chandler, & Phoenix on Saturday August 22, 2015


A great deal of information has been sent by the Knights of Columbus and other Pro-Life groups on the National Day of Protest Against Planned Parenthood, being held tomorrow Saturday August 22, 2015  across America and in our state. There will be 5 protest locations in Arizona. I encourage you, your family, and your council to participate in these prayerful protests against the murder of the unborn.

On August 22, 2015 there will be rallies held nationwide to call attention to Planned Parenthood and their trafficking of babies. We are grateful for those who have stepped up to lead the protests in the 5 confirmed locations in the Phoenix and Tucson areas:
    Planned Parenthood Tucson - 2120 N. Beverly Ave, Tucson, AZ – 9:00AM – 10:00AM

        Planned Parenthood Glendale - 5771 W Eugie Glendale, AZ  9:00AM – 11:00AM

         Planned Parenthood Tempe - 1250 E Apache Blvd Suite 108 Tempe, AZ  9:00AM – 11:00AM

        Planned Parenthood Chandler - 610 N Alma School Road, Suite 48, Chandler, AZ 9:00AM – 11:00AM

         Planned Parenthood Phoenix- 4751 N 15th St. Phoenix, AZ  10:00AM – 12:00PM

For more information: http://protestpp.com/

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker

State Deputy

Arizona State Council

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Photo - Assembly 17

Description: Assembly 17 Honor Guard with 12 Sir Knights at St Joseph’s Church in Winslow, AZ on Aug 12, 2015.  Assembly 17 provided an Honor Guard for Bishop Wall as he installed the Parish’s new Pastor, Fr. Short.

Sisters of Perpetual Adoration Dinner October 30 - Tucson

The Sisters of Perpetual Adoration are holding a raffle for a dinner for 10 at the Benedictine Monastery in Tucson , AZ on October 30.  The lucky winner will be able to attend a delicious dinner prepared by the Sisters along with nine guests.

Please contact Phil Terinen, 520-682-2223 or 520-444-1215, email pnt12239@aol.com to request tickets. You can send check or money order to him at 6612 N Dimitri LN, Tucson, AZ 85743

Monday, August 10, 2015

National Day of Protest Against Planned Parenthood Events in Phoenix, Glendale, & Tempe



We need to pray and peacefully protest against the culture of death! Please join the Knights of Columbus in prayer for the end of legalized abortion.


Below is an email I recently received on the protests against Planned Parenthood in the Phoenix area. We have ordered Defend Life Posters to hand out at these events. We will handout “Knight Shift” flyers, as well. My hope is that the Phoenix area State Officers, State Directors, District Deputies, and others will be able to attend one or more of these events in the Phoenix area. Please feel free to share this email with your councils. We need a strong showing of Knights showing our support for this great cause!


Worthy State Officers: August 22 is a busy day for us. IPSD Bryant Sayers and I will be attending the 2nd & 3rd Degree in Sierra Vista that morning. No other Phoenix based State Officer needs to be at the degree. I can bring down any necessary degree supplies. I will get the posters and flyers to a State Officer so he can hand them out at the events.


I am sorry, but I am not aware of any activities happening in the Tucson area or other areas of Arizona. If you have information on such events, please send them to me so we can publish them.


Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.


Vivat Jesus!


Larry Becker

State Deputy

Arizona State Council







The recent news surrounding the videos about Planned Parenthood and the harvesting and trafficking of baby parts is painful to witness, and certainly the horror and sorrow that these videos incite can leave us heartbroken and hopeless. Video #5, released Monday, is bringing to light the many lies and inconsistencies that Planned Parenthood has been trying to cover up for so many years. The mainstream media and politicians are realizing and speaking about the heinous nature of these crimes, and finally the truth is coming to the light. This is difficult, but very good news, as justice in the case of hidden societal structures of sin requires clarity and revelation.  We are called to be brave now and make sure that the word is out!   


For anyone who is just learning what has transpired, I have provided some important links below.  


For those who may have experienced the trauma of an abortion and who are struggling in light of this new information, please know there is help. You can call our post-abortion care hotline at (602) 492-3124 or find the nearest Rachel’s Vineyard retreat here: http://www.rachelsvineyard.org/weekend/sites.aspx


For the full videos and transcripts: http://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/

For commentaries (including mainstream media coverage):






So what can we do to help?


1.      Pray.

a.       A nationwide week of prayer is scheduled from August 22 – August 29th. Bishop Olmsted will be giving us a call to prayer as a Diocese, in parishes and families.  Details forthcoming soon.


2.      Take action. #ProtestPP

a.       On August 22, 2015 there will be rallies held nationwide to call attention to Planned Parenthood and their trafficking of babies. We are grateful for those lay leaders who have stepped up to lead the protests in the 3 confirmed locations in the Phoenix area, as well as their supporting pastors:

                                                              i.      Planned Parenthood Phoenix- 4751 N 15th St. Phoenix, AZ 85014 10:00AM – 12:00PM

                                                            ii.      Planned Parenthood Glendale - 5771 W Eugie Glendale, AZ 85304 9:00AM – 11:00AM

                                                          iii.      Planned Parenthood Tempe - 1250 E Apache Blvd Suite 108 Tempe, AZ 85281 9:00AM – 11:00AM

b.      For more information: http://protestpp.com/


I would like to remind all that we are a people of hope. Christ has conquered death and we know that the victory has already been won! It is rooted in this hope that we must move forward in fighting for justice for the most vulnerable among us. This moment is among the most critical time in our nation’s history to be fighting for the sanctity of life, and I am grateful to be standing alongside you!


In Christ, the Lord of Life,


Clarissa Quiring

Coordinator of Marriage and Respect Life

Diocese of Phoenix

Message from Church Director

Greetings Brothers,

I hope this message finds you content and at peace in the love of God.

A number of events are upcoming that I would like to remind everyone about. During the month of September, the Silver Rose will be making the rounds at a number of parishes in the state. This may be a wonderful spiritual event for your councils. If you attend as a council you can check off a Church Activity for Star Council.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is August 15th. Normally, this would be a holy day of obligation. Since the feast falls on Saturday, the obligation is abrogated. We are not required to attend Mass. It is a good thing to do but we are not obligated.

Don't forget Rosary Sunday coming up in October 24-25, 2015.

Exciting work is being done to defeat the forces of evil at work in our country. Please consider joining with other Knights and their families at the "Knight Shift" coming on October 16th. There is still room for you to join the prayer for ending abortion. There are shifts available from 7 p.m. on the 16th through 7 a.m. on the 17th. Our Worthy State Deputy and his wife will be there along with Bishop Olmsted. How about you, will you share your time to help this worthy cause? More information on the "Knight Shift - 40 Days for Life" see website www.AzKnightsOfColumbus.org or the direct link is http://www.azknightsofcolumbus.org/2015/07/kofc-arizona-state-council-and-40-days.html

May God bless each of you and those you love.

In His service,

Deacon Bruce Bennett, EdD 
AZ State Church Director
DD 8

Sunday, August 09, 2015

New Council 16277 in Arizona



I am very proud and excited to announce the start of a new council in the Arizona jurisdiction. Please welcome San Juan Diego Council 16277 to our state family of councils! They will be serving a new parish, St. San Juan Diego Catholic Church, in Chandler. Supreme approved their paperwork and officially assigned their council number on August 4, 2015.


Last fraternal year, a roundtable was formed at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, in Chandler, with the intent to form a new council for this new parish. This council is excited to get to work and help their new parish grow. District Deputy #8 Deacon Bruce Bennett has been instrumental in helping to form this new council. I would like to thank him and our State New Council Development Chairman Mike Kingman for helping this roundtable become a council.


I am sure we will be hearing lots of great things from this council in the future!


Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.


Vivat Jesus!


Larry Becker

State Deputy

Arizona State Council




Friday, August 07, 2015

2015 Supreme Convention

Arizona State Delegates at the Supreme Convention in Philadelphia.

Nationwide Prayer Event to end abortion and the harvesting and selling of these baby's organs

Worthy District Deputies and Grand Knights,

Please forward this information to all members in each of your Councils. We need Catholic men on the front lines praying for an end to abortion. Let's be those men. 

Dear Brother Knights,
I wanted to let you know that there is a nationwide event coming soon to bring an end to the atrocities of abortion.  There will be rallies in Phoenix, Glendale, and Tempe.  Here are the details:

August 22, 2015 
• Planned Parenthood Phoenix- 4751 N 15th St. Phoenix, AZ 85014 10:00AM – 12:00PM 
• Planned Parenthood Glendale - 5771 W Eugie Glendale, AZ 85304 9:00AM – 11:00AM
• Planned Parenthood Tempe - 1250 E Apache Blvd Suite 108 Tempe, AZ 85281 9:00AM – 11:00AM 
For more information: http://protestpp.com/

40 Days for Life Phoenix is appreciative of the local laypeople and their pastors for helping to organize these upcoming events. Please plan to attend the closest one to you and be a voice against the harvesting and trafficking of aborted babies.

Let's join together as Catholic men to bring and end to abortion through peaceful prayer. 

Your brother in Christ,

Mike Rimbey 
Arizona State Council
40 Days for Life State Chairman 

Saturday, August 01, 2015

State Deputy Message - August 2015

August 1, 2015


Every year, the State Deputy picks a central them to help set the tone for growth and strong programs. The Arizona Knights of Columbus 2015-2016 fraternal year’s theme is “Find Us Ready Lord”. Yes, this is a song written by Arizona song writer Tom Booth. Last year’s theme “I will Choose Christ, Will Choose Love, I Choose to Serve” was also written by Tom Booth.  Last year’s theme dealt with the Dignity of Man and how we chose to live our lives. This year’s theme deals with the Destiny of Man and how we prepare ourselves for our final reward. Are we prepared for death? Have we done all we can do now to prepare? We can prepare with Service, Prayer, Charity, Unity, Fraternity, & Patriotism.  We need to build our Order stronger so together we can work to combat the evil lurking in our world today.

This year’s State Pin looks very similar to last’s year’s pin, with the theme “Find Us Ready Lord” on top. You see the Knights are at the core of the Catholic Church in Arizona. The “Precious Baby’s Feet” are an outward sign of our strong support of the Culture of Life. The colors are turquoise and silver, which are both found in Arizona. Turquoise is formed from Cooper, Aluminum, Phosphate, and 30 million years of water tinkling over it. The color of the turquoise in our Sate Pin is called “Sleeping Beauty Turquoise”, which is found in Globe, Arizona. Wherever you find copper, you will find turquoise. Copper is a dignified metal found in our wire and pipes. The destiny of copper includes turquoise. Please wear your State Pin with pride!

Welcoming new members to your council is vitally important for your council’s survival. We strongly encourage every council to organize your own First Degree or Admission Degree team. You should memorize your roles, or read them, or even show the production DVD of the degree in a dignified manner. Please plan to conduct a First Degree every month during this fraternal year. This fraternal year, Supreme has asked us to name our Holy Father, Pope Francis, as the class honoree of all our First Degrees. Your District Deputy will discuss this with you in more depth at your District Meeting this summer.

Please pray the Prayer of St. Michael the Archangel at the end of every meeting and gathering. With religious freedom being threatened, our Christian brothers and sisters be martyred for their beliefs, the assault on the culture of life, and the constant attacks on the sacrament of marriage, I sincerely believe that Satan is hard at work. He is destroying our society and Church while working on every family, man, woman, and child to not follow the teachings of our Catholic Church. We must keep our councils and assemblies strong to fight this battle and defend everything we know as good. Please pray that St. Michael will protect us and our Lord will guide us so we will remain victorious and continue to build our Church with service and faith.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy

Arizona State Council