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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Arizona Knights of Columbus Workshop: "Find Us Ready to Welcome Our Brothers: Our Pathway to Fraternity"



We are very excited to announce that the Arizona State Council will be conducting workshops throughout the state in November 2015, with the theme of, ”Find Us Ready to Welcome Our Brothers: Our Pathway to Fraternity”. These meetings will be centrally based on how to host a First Degree, Admissions Degree, and the proper way to conduct a council business meeting.  We will need to verify membership cards at these meetings to make sure everyone in the room is at least a First Degree member.


·         Monday November 9: East Valley (Council 3121 in Chandler) 7:00 to 9:00 PM

·         Tuesday November 10: West Valley (Council 3855 in Glendale) 7:00 to 9:00 PM

·         Wednesday November 11: Tucson (Council 1200 in Tucson) 7:00 to 9:00 PM

·         Thursday November 12: North Valley (Council 12449, St. Patrick’s in Scottsdale) 7:00 to 9:00 PM


State Ceremonial Chairman Ray Obral and State Youth Director Skip Hopler will be leading the sessions on ceremonials. They are both experts on conducting degrees and will be sharing their experience with us. Remember that every council has a First Degree Team. You will learn techniques to conduct the ceremony, even if you don’t know the roles from memory. Every council should plan to send their Council Officers and ceremonial team members to learn about Supreme’s current protocols for our Degree ceremonials.


We will also be discussing other various state programs to help you grow and strengthen your council. Additionally, we will be discussing how to earn the coveted Star Council Award. You may already heard of our state’s continuous focus on councils earning the Star Council Award. Last fraternal year, we did a fantastic job at earning Star Council Awards across our great jurisdiction. We are encouraging every District Deputy in Arizona to have at least one council in their district earn this award this year, as well. Some District Deputies have several councils working to reach this goal. We have challenged every District Deputy to earn the coveted Star District Award this year, too. There is also a state level award similar to the Star Council and Star District, called ”Circle of Honor”. Arizona last earned this coveted award 6 years ago. It is time for Arizona to show the rest of the Order just how great this jurisdiction really is! You all deserve to earn this prestigious award. It is our state’s goal to earn this award through our continued stellar performance in the 2015-2016 fraternal year. You all deserve it!


All Brother Knights are invited to attend a workshop. They are designed to help you to conduct the First Degree, Admissions Degree ceremony, a council business meeting, and earn the Star Council Award, plus answer your questions on the requirements to earn the award. The same agenda and material will be discussed at each of the workshops. You only need to attend one workshop. We look forward to seeing many Brother Knights at these important workshops.


Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.


Vivat Jesus!


Larry Becker

State Deputy

Arizona State Council





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