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Friday, October 23, 2015

Soccer Update

Brother Knights,

Hard to believe we are ready to start our New Year and programs for 2015.  I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce Joe Danko and myself, Howard Birnbaum; we will be Co-Chairs for the State Soccer Challenge.

The Soccer Challenge is a Supreme sponsored activity and has grown each and every year thanks to your active and early involvement in getting the word out.  Now is the time to get started and plan this year's challenge at the Council, District and State level.  Below are some key dates and general information for you to review at your upcoming Officer's and Council Meeting's.

·         Council Level Challenges to be completed by the end of September

·         District Level Challenges to be completed by the end of October

·         State Soccer Challenge will be held on November 14th at Bourgade Catholic High School (see below)

Please select your Soccer Chair now, order the Soccer Challenge kit from Supreme and start planning today!  Working with other Council's in your District may also be helpful.  Some areas do not have access to Soccer Goals and pooling resources to complete this great program would be beneficial.  If you need any assistance getting the word out or working with another Council let us know and I'll be happy to help.

District level Challenges are not required to compete in State.  If you don't have enough competitors within your District, winners from each age group and gender group will be advanced to State from each Council.

Our contact information is:

email: buckbirn@aol.com  cell: 602-809-5442

email: joedanko@cox.net  cell: 602-710-0418

This is also a great way to build our membership by showcasing this great program to your Parish and Community.

Let's make this the best and most attended year yet!  Please contact Joe or me with any questions.

Vivat Jesus,

Howard Birnbaum                                                               Joe Danko

Council 7465                                                                        District Deputy

St. Jerome Parish                                                                District 15


Bourgade Catholic High School                                       Registration from 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM

4602 North 31st Avenue                                                  Challenge will begin at 10:15 AM

Phoenix, AZ  85017                                                       Lunch provided by St. Joseph Youth Camp


When ordering your Soccer kit from Supreme, why not order your Free Throw kit as well?


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