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Friday, January 01, 2016

State Deputy Message - January 2016

January 1, 2016

Happy New Year! May the New Year bring your council new energy to help build up the domestic Church, while strengthening your parish. Pope Francis's "Year of Mercy" enforces the need to be a better Catholic. Membership in the Knights of Columbus builds better Catholics through our Service Programs. Now is the time to set a new resolution to try to improve our lives during this New Year. You need to commit to earning the Star Council Award! EVERY COUNCIL should and can be a Star Council!

We are at the mid-point of this fraternal year. Is your council at their mid-point is achieving the Star Council Award?  The Star Council Award demonstrates to your parish community the evidence of you council’s involvement.  A brief checklist of this evidence should include:

  • All reports are submitted to Supreme – The Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity #1728 is one of the most important reports, as it provide the evidence to continue to secure our tax status, and directly helps our insurance program through better dividends. It is due on January 31, 2016. Also, the Columbian Award Form #SP-7 can be submitted as early as April 1, 2016.
  • Service Programs - At the beginning of the fraternal year, we suggested building a program plan.  How is your plan going? You should be well on your way to completing four activities in each of the six program service areas.
  • Membership - The goal of a council is to continue to grow in membership.  This is ever more important today with the mission from the Supreme Knight to “Build the Domestic Church, While Strengthening the Parish”.  You can suggest an article from your Council Chaplain on his impression on what is needed to build the domestic Church and strengthen your parish. I am confident a Council Chaplain will welcome the opportunity to provide such an editorial for the membership.
Brothers, it is an honor to provide the leadership during this biggest turning point in our Order's history.  Aligning our Service Programs will continue to build the strength necessary for our Order's Legacy.

The Arizona Knights of Columbus 2015-2016 fraternal year’s theme is “Find Us Ready Lord”. This year’s theme deals with the Destiny of Man and how we prepare ourselves for our final reward and attain the joys of heaven. We can prepare with Service, Prayer, Charity, Unity, Fraternity, & Patriotism.  We need to build our Order stronger so together we can work to combat the evil lurking in our world today. Please pray the Prayer of St. Michael the Archangel at the end of every meeting and gathering. Satan is destroying our society and Church while working on every family, man, woman, and child to not follow the teachings of our Catholic Church. We must keep our councils and assemblies strong to fight this battle and defend everything we know as good. Please pray that St. Michael will protect us and our Lord will guide us so we will remain victorious and continue to build our Church with service and faith.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy

Arizona State Council


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