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Thursday, November 30, 2017

2017 Mid Year Meeting

Important information and Registration Packet attached for upcoming Mid-Year Meeting December 1-3, 2017
Hotel Registration Click Here

Please note Registration Date Deadline for Hotel is November 13, 2017 so hurry and make reservation if you need a room. Please call 623-842-0000 for Hotel Reservations. Please say you are with a group: Arizona State Council Knights of Columbus.
Registration Deadline for the Meeting itself is November 18, 2017. To  RSVP or more information, please contact: GK SK Matt Hoffarth hoffiesof5@gmail.com - (623) 910-6588 or Chairman Eddie Haywood – (602) 710-8962
Vivat Jesus!
Rick Garrison
Knights of Columbus
AZ State Executive Secretary

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Black Friday St Vincent de Paul Family Dinner Meal

Brother Knights,

I hope you had a great month of October and all is well with you and your family.  The heat is about to be behind us and cool weather is approaching quickly.  Which should start us to think about the approaching holidays and all we are thankful for.  One of the things we should be thinking about is the poor and needy as well because they need our help.  November and December brings us cool weather and family gatherings and unfortunately, some families are not as fortunate to have the things we have.

On Friday, November 24, 2017 from 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM, we have been asked to help with the evening Family Dinner Meal at Saint Vincent de Paul – Dinning Room, 420 W. Watkins Road, Phoenix, AZ.  Even though the Bible says that the poor will always be with us, we are obligated to help alleviate this problem as much as possible.  Rather than asking for food this time, we am asking you to join us in preparing, serving the evening meal as well as assisting in the Learning Center.  All we are asking you is for two-three hours of your time on the day after Thanksgiving.

All we need is twenty to twenty five (25) people to pitch in on this day to help families in need. Can you help us?  Volunteers need not be Knights of Columbus brothers only; it includes family members and friends over 12 years old. This activity can be counted towards your Council’s Columbian Award and Star Council Award as well. If you have volunteered previously, you do not have to complete the attached Release Form of Liability.  Please use Volunteer ID # 151008.  Please contact us by November 17, 2017, if you can help us.

I like to thank you in advance for your time and commitment.  Bless you my Brothers and look forward in seeing on November 24, 2017.

    *      South of I-17, between 7th Ave. and Central Ave.
    *      Volunteers and Visitors enter from S. 3rd Dr. into the north parking lot.
    *      The entrance to the north parking lot is indicated by 2 pink pillars.

Chet Yancy
KofC – 2017AZ  State Council
Community Director


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

KofC Crowd & Parking control - Bishop Weisenberger Installation Mass on 11-29-17

Brother Knights,


In addition to providing transportation for visiting family and clergy, the KofC have been asked to assist with parking lot monitoring and crowd control both before and after the Mass. A minimum of 20 KofC are requested but I would recommend that we try to recruit at least 25 to 30. Doing so would allow brothers to rotate.


The KofC would man the parking lot entrances before the Mass and direct traffic to other locations, including the parking garage once the parking lot is full.  The KofC also would assist in manning the doors during Mass, especially the 2 doors on the north entrance. Those doors lead to the area where construction is on-going and are not entrance or exit doors; however, they must be open during Mass due to fire code.


Finally, the KofC would direct Mass attendees to the Stillwell House for the reception after the Mass. The Stillwell House is on the southwest corner of South Fifth Avenue and East 12th Street, approximately 3 blocks east of the Cathedral.


As you know, the Bishop's Installation Mass is by invitation only. Brothers who volunteer would have an opportunity to rotate inside the Cathedral and observe at least part of the Mass. Obviously, all 30 could not be inside at the same time.


Hector Tellez and I are going to be at the Cathedral for the Mass on November 29, recommend allowing Hector Tellez and I to coordinate the KofC volunteers.


We would request that Brothers who are interested reply via email or calling Hector (Cell: 520-305-6538) or myself (520-241-8244). We will then make a list of the first 25 to 30 and provide their names to the Diocese as those who will be involved.


As noted above, the Mass is by invitation only and there will be strict security. Only those Brothers whose names are listed will be allowed to assist.  Show time for volunteers would be at 12:00 Noon; and the detail would conclude at approximately 5:00 PM.  Those brothers who volunteer for this event would also be invited to attend the reception at the Stillwell House if they choose.


Please feel free to call if you have any questions.


Luis E. Kamei
Cell: 520-241-8244

Monday, November 13, 2017

State Soccer Challenge November 18


Brother Knights,
The State Soccer Challenge 2017 will be held on November 18 at 9:30.  The location for the event is at St. Jerome School 10815 N 35 Avenue, Phoenix, AZ. 85029
Registration will begin at 9:00 and last to 9:30 the challenge will start directly after.
Refreshment and brunch will be offered by St. Joseph’s Youth Camp.
District Deputies, Grand Knights and Council Youth Chairmen please take control on the score sheets.  The parents or participants should not hand deliver the score sheets on the day of the event if all possible.  The score sheets should be emailed or mailed to the State Executive Secretary Rick Garrison before the challenge and copies should be brought as back up if needed. azknights@q.com (Rick Please Add The Address)
If you have any questions regarding the event please call or email.

Vivat Jesus

 Joe Danko
State Youth Director
