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Friday, October 03, 2014

ACC General Election Voter's Guide Online Now!

ACC Masthead

ACC 2014 Voter’s Guide Online Now!

In order to better educate voters the Arizona Catholic Conference (ACC) has just released its 2014 Voter’s Guide for the upcoming General Election online at www.azcatholicconference.org.

The ACC Voter’s Guide is meant solely to provide an important educational tool containing unbiased information on the upcoming elections. Included on the ACC Voter’s Guide are races covering U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, Corporation Commission, State Senate and State House.

Pursuant to Internal Revenue Service requirements for churches and nonprofit organizations, this document does not endorse candidates or indicate our support or opposition to the questions. The ACC Voter’s Guide, however, is an excellent source of information on the candidates' positions on important issues and it may be reproduced and distributed in your churches.

Early voting for the November 6th General Election begins tomorrow. Please remember to check the ACC Voter’s Guide before casting your vote.
Thank you!


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