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Wednesday, October 01, 2014

State Deputy Message - October 2014

October 1, 2014


The expression "culture of life" entered popular vernacular from Pope John Paul II, who first used it in a World Youth Day tour of the United States in 1993. Speaking to journalists at Stapleton International Airport near Denver, Colorado, the Pope denounced abortion and euthanasia, stating that "The culture of life means respect for nature and protection of God's work of creation. In a special way, it means respect for human life from the first moment of conception until its natural end. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson says, “We seek nothing less than the transformation of our societies into a new culture of life.”

Some of the issues that are included in the Catholic Church's description of the culture of life include: Opposition to abortion, Opposition to human sterilization, Opposition to human cloning, Opposition to contraception, Opposition to human embryonic stem cell and fetal research, Opposition to euthanasia, Opposition to murder and suicide, Opposition to capital punishment, Opposition to unjust war, Promotion of love and charity, Promotion of matrimony, maternity, fatherhood, life, chastity, fidelity, and virtue, and Promotion of organ donation.

There are many culture of life activities happening throughout Arizona such as; 40 Days for Life, Ultra-Sound Initiatives, Baby Bottle Drives, Organ Donor Sunday, Blood Drives, and Men’s Conferences. Your council’s calendar should include these activities. I encourage you to participate in these faith-based culture of life activities.

On October 11 and 12, the Arizona Knights of Columbus are hosting the Arizona Rosary Celebration, in Tucson, Phoenix, and Yuma. This is the largest celebration of its kind in the United States. I encourage you and your families to participate and attend this celebration in your area. I believe the Holy Spirit will be with us as we honor our Mother Mary under Her title of the Immaculate Conception.

It is our moral obligation to grow and strengthen our councils with new members. New members help secure your council’s future by developing new leaders to continue the good work you are doing today. Every Brother Knight in Arizona needs to recruit a new member now. This will strengthen the Order in Arizona to better support the culture of life and the Catholic Church. Remember that by living our State theme, “I will choose Christ, I will choose love, I choose to serve”, you and your council will exemplify our four principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. With this, your current members and your new members can be a strong force in your council, Church, family, and community.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker

State Deputy


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