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Saturday, October 18, 2014

U of A Council 16061


I am very proud and excited to announce the start of a new council in the Arizona jurisdiction. Please welcome University of Arizona Council 16061 to our state family of councils! Yes, we have our second active college council in Arizona. They will be serving the St. Thomas More Catholic Newman Center on the campus of the University of Arizona.

These members are on fire! They were able to get enough new members to join the Order in just 2 weeks, in order to start their own council. They have another 15 or so prospects ready to join as soon as they can get them to a 1st Degree. We will be working with them to learn the ceremony so they can conduct this important ceremony themselves. They also are planning to bring a contingent of new 1st Degree Brother Knights to the 2nd and 3rd Degree Exemplification this Sunday in Glendale.

Council 16061’s brand new Grand Knight Danny Cerrito and Deputy Grand Knight Jose Escobedo both attended the 2014 Supreme College Conference in New Haven, CT in September. They learned a lot about the Order and how to run a college council. I bet we will see lots of great service and spirituality from these two leaders and their council.

I would like to thank three Brothers that went above and beyond to help get this council started. PGK Gary Ward led the effort and persevered to gain acceptance of the Knights of Columbus at the UofA Newman Center, secure prospects, and finally bring them to their 1st Degrees. Field Agent and Brother Von Clarke went above and beyond by doing all the pulpit announcements at the Newman Center Masses and worked side by side with Gary to start this council. District Deputy and Bother Conrad Greer is the formation District Deputy. Amongst other things, he work with Gary and Von to see all the paperwork was in order and the 1st Degrees were conducted in proper order. This 3 man team work very hard and smart to get this accomplished. I also would like to thank councils 9380 and 5133 for their help and support to bring this new council to life.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker

State Deputy


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