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Tuesday, September 08, 2015


Once again St Joseph Assembly 2126, home of FDM Mike Kingman, now VSM, and FDM Armand Brooks, State Veteran Support Chairman, supports our disabled veterans with the donation of two electric wheelchairs to the DAV chapter #20 in Glendale. The two wheelchairs were donated to St Helen’s parish by a nursing home, which cared for paraplegic patients and is now closed. 

Due to the generous donation of a truck with a back lift gate by Penske Corporation the assembly was able to transport the wheelchairs easily to the DAV Chapter home in Glendale on Friday, September 4th. Commander Arthur Sumler accepted the donation from Faithful Navigator Tony Balestrieri in a brief ceremony. The photos below represent that ceremony. From left to right: (front) DAV Commander Arthur Sumler and FN Balestrieri; (rear) SK Bob Kefurt and FDM Brooks.  Not in the photos are SK Len Rheaume, DD#12, and Adjutant Roger D Bosley.  Our profound thanks to Richard J Nylander, Penske Phoenix, District Rental Manager 

for making this happen. 


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