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Tuesday, September 01, 2015

State Deputy Message - September 2015

September 1, 2015


Mother Teresa said, “Faith in action is love, and love in action is service.” She further said, “Our work, to be fruitful and to be all for God, and beautiful, has to be built on faith---faith in Christ who has said, "I was hungry, I was naked, I was sick, and I was homeless and you did that to Me." On these words of His all our work is based.... Faith to be true has to be a giving love. Love and faith go together. They complete each other.” Service presupposed a willingness to give of oneself, of one's time, effort, and material means. It expressed the love of the giver and met a need of the receiver. It was the normal way of letting the other know that he or she is loved, wanted, and cared for. (Love: A Fruit Always in Season; by Mother Teresa)

Brothers, to choose Christ and to love, we must serve. This is part of how we find ourselves ready for our final judgment day. As a member of the Knights of Columbus, we have many ways to serve. Here are just a few ways to serve your family, Church, and community:

The Arizona Knights of Columbus 2015-2016 fraternal year’s theme is “Find Us Ready Lord”. This year’s theme deals with the Destiny of Man and how we prepare ourselves for our final reward. We can prepare with Service, Prayer, Charity, Unity, Fraternity, & Patriotism.  We need to build our Order stronger so together we can work to combat the evil lurking in our world today. Please pray the Prayer of St. Michael the Archangel at the end of every meeting and gathering. Satan is destroying our society and Church while working on every family, man, woman, and child to not follow the teachings of our Catholic Church. We must keep our councils and assemblies strong to fight this battle and defend everything we know as good. Please pray that St. Michael will protect us and our Lord will guide us so we will remain victorious and continue to build our Church with service and faith.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy

Arizona State Council


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