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Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Veterans Mass - Nov 8

The Diocese's 5th Annual Veterans Mass will be held at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Avondale on the 8th of November, with Bishop Olmsted presiding.  We always have had great participation from the K of C as the honor guard at the Mass for the Bishop and the Flags of the Services.  We start Mass at 10:45 but will form up about 10 a.m.  There will be a room for the Knights to change.  The Local Chapter will assist as always.   Would like you to put the word out and issue a call for participation.  Last year we had about 40-50 Knights and would like to see the same again in the West Valley. 

Two flyers are attached, one for the Mass and another for a Veterans Retreat which will be given on Saturday, the 7th, the day before the Mass.  The Retreat is a great opportunity for Veterans to participate with other veterans in a retreat aimed at fostering healing. 

Again, please get the word out to your chapters.   
Deacon John Scott, Diocese of Phoenix


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