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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Free Throw Championship 2016

Knights of Columbus
Council, District and State Free Throw Championship 2016
Brother Knights,
The Free Throw Championship season is just around the corner.  We are looking forward to a great event with the anticipation of all Arizona Councils participating this year.  If you have not received or ordered your kit from Supreme, do so right away.  Schedule your Council event for the month of January. 
Grand Knights: Within a week after the Council event, forward/scan all the entry forms/score sheets to your District Deputy.  He will need this information for the District level Free Throw Championship. 
District Deputies: After you determine if there will be a District event, and once it is completed, forward/scan the entry forms/score sheets to the State at azknights@q.com.  If there is no District Championship, it’s still your responsibility to forward/scan all of your Councils’ entry forms/score sheets to the State.  Please make sure the Council # and the District # are on each form and send in all the forms, both winners and non-winners.
District Deputies please make sure that this information makes it to each of your Council’s Grand Knights and Youth Directors.
This year’s State Championship will be at
Notre Dame Prep High School
9701 E Bell Rd. Scottsdale AZ. 85260
On March 5th 2016
is between 9:00 to 10:00 AM
Start time 10:15
Award Ceremony will be immediately after the event.
Lunch will be offered by St. Joseph’s Youth Camp

Thank you for your assistance and if you have any questions contact

Joe Danko
District Deputy 15                                                     
State Free Throw Co Chair     
602 710-0418
Howard Birnbaum
State Free Throw Co Chair

602 809-5442


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