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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tucson Veterans Administration Hospital

Tucson Veterans Administration Hospital

Patriotism is alive and well at the San Manual School System in part due to the efforts and leadership of Deb Mansager, a teacher in the system and wife of Drew Mansager, Southern Arizona District Marshal.  Deb organized a campaign in the system to collect comfort items and toiletries for the patients at the Tucson VA hospital and also for homeless veterans.  The students also hand wrote over 100 Christmas cards for the patients. I helped Drew deliver 11 boxes of donations to the hospital before Christmas.  It was a very pleasant task.  On behalf of the Knights of Columbus "Serving Those Who Served" program, the patients and homeless veterans, Thank You, Deb for instilling a sense of patriotism in our youth and for helping our veterans.  Thank you to the students in San Manuel for your dedication and support of our veterans.


James Maino, FDM
Tucson VA Hospital, Knights of Columbus Representative


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