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Sunday, January 31, 2016

2016 Knights of Columbus State Convention

Subject: 2016 Knights of Columbus State Convention

Dear Brother Knights and Friends of the Knights of Columbus,
It’s that time of the year again and the Knights of Columbus annual Arizona State Convention is just around the corner. The convention is scheduled for May 20-22, 2016. It will be held at Casino Del Sol Resort, located in Tucson, Arizona. You will find all the new updates and information listed below. The convention website is completely redesigned and easy to use. New for 2016 is that all registration and payment can be done online. No forms need to be filled out or sent in.
Registration:For registration, visit the convention website at www.azkofcstateconvention.org and select “Register Now”. You can also purchase your Advance Event Tickets and 2016 Convention Polo Shirts. Those who require disability assistance or who have any dietary restrictions, please note them in the Additional Information section on the checkout page. Credit card payments can only be made directly online. For Check payment, simply register on line and select the Check option. An email will be sent to confirm your registration. Simply print the confirmation and mail it along with your payment to the address listed on the email. The Registration form can still be downloaded and printed out and filled in manually if preferred. Then, mailed to the address listed on the form along with your payment.
Registration information and payment must be received no later than May 3, 2015.  Additional $10 will be assessed for Registration received after May 3, 2015.
Hotel:Hotel accommodations must be made by the individual directly. Reservations can be made from the convention website: www.azkofcstateconvention.org. Instructions are given from the Hotel Information page. We have negotiated a Standard room rate of $109 per night plus tax. Refer to the Hotel Information page for additional room upgrade options. Rooms may also be booked from the hotel website: www.casinodelsolresort.com. Use offer code Knights to receive your discounted rate. Special Access rooms are available upon request.
Hospitality Suites:
There are a limited number of suites available for hospitality rooms. You will not be allowed to book a hospitality suite directly through the hotel. Please contact the Convention Chairman, Ken Gallagher at telephone (520) 661-1262 or email at
registration@azkofcstateconvention.org for assistance in reserving one.
Convention Advertising:
Advertising in the Arizona State Convention Program Book is still available. Please visit the convention website at
www.azkofcstateconvention.org and select “Buy Advertising”. Advertising can also be purchased directly online. Simply purchase desired ad space on line and use Checkout. Credit card payments can only be made online. For Check payment, simply purchase desired ad space and select the Check option. An email will be sent to confirm your purchase. Simply print the confirmation and mail it along with your payment to the address listed on the email. Email your ad to advertising@azkofcstateconvetion.org. The preferred format for submission of advertising is a high resolution PDF file. But will accept other forms as well (JPG, AI, or EPS files). All advertising must be submitted no later than April 22, 2016.
If you have any questions regarding the convention registration or website, please contact either:
Ken Gallagher    Convention Chairman        (520) 661-1262
Mark Waltz        Registration Chairman       (520) 207-4035
I hope you will be as excited for the upcoming convention as we are. Thank you for your participation and we look forward to seeing you in Tucson in May.
Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona State Council
Knights of Columbus
PO Box 1944
Gilbert AZ 85299
Cell: 480.760.5122


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