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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Bishop Olmsted Calls on Men to Step 'Into the Breach' in Spiritual Battle for the Family



Yesterday, on the Feast of the Archangels, at 3 PM, the Hour of Mercy, Bishop Olmsted released his Apostolic Exhortation to the Men of the Diocese entitled Into the Breach: An Apostolic Exhortation to Catholic Men. Brothers, I encourage you to read and share this important message.


Reverend Fredrick J. Adamson, V.G., Moderator of the Curia, for the Diocese of Phoenix says, “This Exhortation from the heart of our Bishop to the hearts of the priests, deacons, consecrated and lay men of the Diocese calls them to take up their role in the Spiritual Battle.  It calls them to know their identity as men in Christ called to excellence, prayer and service.  It calls them to love others, precisely as men, in the self-sacrificial way to which they are called.  It calls them to follow the Lord Jesus Christ as men who are missionary disciples, as Pope Francis has been asking.  It calls us to protect and guide those we love, particularly in families.  Following the Holy Father’s visit for the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia last week and preceding the Synod on the Family in Rome next week, the timing of this Exhortation is providential.”


The document, along with a trailer video and resources, can be read in English and Spanish online at the following website: www.IntoTheBreach.net 


With this promulgation of Into the Breach, we ask St. Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Host to be with us in battle, St. Gabriel, the Messenger of God, to help us carry the Good News of the Gospel to all.


Vivat Jesus!


Larry Becker

State Deputy

Arizona State Council



Bishop Olmsted unveils groundbreaking new Apostolic Exhortation addressed to men of the Diocese of Phoenix.

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Bishop Olmsted Urges Men to Step 'Into the Breach' in Spiritual Battle for the Family


Website, Trailer Video for New Apostolic Exhortation Online at IntoTheBreach.net

PHOENIX (Sept. 30, 2015) — The Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, unveiled a groundbreaking new letter addressed to the men of the Diocese of Phoenix titled “Into the Breach: An Apostolic Exhortation to Catholic Men, My Spiritual Sons in the Diocese of Phoenix.”

“Into the Breach,” along with a trailer video, can be read in English and Spanish online at www.IntoTheBreach.net.

Released on the heels of Pope Francis’ historic visit to the United States for the World Meeting of Families, “Into the Breach” calls upon men to embrace their masculine identity as fathers, husbands, protectors and spiritual leaders. Bishop Olmsted urges the men of the Diocese of Phoenix to take up the unique responsibilities endowed upon them and to love others in the self-sacrificial way to which they are called by Jesus Christ.

“With this exhortation, I encourage our men to discover or rediscover their identity as men in Christ, one of manly courage, prayer and service,” Bishop Olmsted said. “May we follow the Lord Jesus as missionary disciples, putting into practice what the Holy Father  emphasized this past week during his historic visit: to rejoice in children, born and preborn, and to appreciate grandparents; to grow our faith through love, sacrifice and faithful witness; and to protect the life of every member of the family."

“Into the Breach” was promulgated at 3 p.m., Sept. 29 — the Hour of Mercy on the Feast of the Archangels. 

Bishop Olmsted said the timing of this exhortation’s release is providential.

"It falls on the Feast of the Archangels, our angelic protectors in the spiritual battle. It also falls between the Holy Father’s visit to the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia and the Synod on the Family in Rome," Bishop Olmsted said. "May the Holy Spirit help us to understand our role as men in protecting and guiding those we love, particularly our families.”

“This exhortation from the heart of our Bishop to the hearts of the priests, deacons, consecrated and laymen of the Diocese, calls them to take up their role in the spiritual battle,” said Mike Phelan, Director of the Office of Marriage and Respect Life for the Diocese of Phoenix.

"With this promulgation of 'Into the Breach,' we ask St. Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Host to be with us in battle, and St. Gabriel, the Messenger of God, to help us carry the Good News of the Gospel to all," Phelan said, "and St. Raphael, the angelic Companion and Healer, to make us ready to be part of God’s healing of the wounded in our time.”

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix was established Dec. 2, 1969, by Pope Paul VI. Led by the Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted, more than 1.1 million Catholics make this diverse, vibrant and faith-filled diocese their home.

Media Contact
Robert DeFrancesco
Director of Communications
(602) 354-2130





Obispo Olmsted urge a los hombres a mantenerse 'Firmes en la brecha' en un combate espiritual por la familia


Sitio web y video promocional para la nueva exhortación apostólica disponibles en IntoTheBreach.net

PHOENIX (30 de sept. de 2015) — El Reverendísimo Thomas J. Olmsted, Obispo de la Diócesis Católica y Romana de Phoenix dio a conocer una carta nueva dirigida a los hombres de la Diócesis de Phoenix titulada, "Firme en la Brecha: Una Exhortación Apostólica a los hombres católicos, mis hijos espirituales en la Diócesis de Phoenix."

"Firme en la Brecha," junto con un video, se puede leer en inglés y español en www.IntoTheBreach.net.

El documento se emitió unos días después de la visita histórica del Papa Francisco a los Estados Unidos para el Encuentro Mundial de las Familias, "Firme en la Brecha" pide a los hombres a que acepten su identidad masculino como padres, esposos, protectores y líderes espirituales. El Obispo Olmsted invita a los hombres de la Diócesis de Phoenix a que tomen sus responsabilidades propias dadas por Dios y amar a los demás de una manera auto sacrificante lo cual los llama Jesucristo.

"Con esta exhortación, animo a nuestros hombres a descubrir y descubrir de nuevo su identidad como hombres en Cristo, hombres de coraje, oración y servicio," dijo el Obispo Olmsted. "Que sigamos el Señor Jesús como discípulos misioneros, poniendo en práctica lo que enfatizo en Santo Padre la semana pasada durante su visita histórica: regocijarse en los hijos, nacidos y no nacidos, y apreciar a los abuelos; aumentar nuestra fe por medio del amor, el sacrificio y el testigo fiel; y proteger la vida de cada miembro de la familia."

"Firme en la Brecha" se promulgo a las 3 de la tarde el día 29 de septiembre – la Hora de Misericordia en la Fiesta de los Arcángeles.

El Obispo Olmsted recalco que el momento de la difusión de la exhortación es providencial.

"Es el día de la Fiesta de los Arcángeles, nuestros protectores angélicos en la batalla espiritual. Es el día entre la visita del Santo Padre al Encuentro Mundial de las Familias en Filadelfia y el Sínodo sobre la Familia en Roma," menciono en Obispo OImsted. "Que el Espíritu Santo nos ayude entender nuestro papel como hombres en proteger y guiar aquellos que amamos, sobre todo nuestras familias."

"Esta exhortación, desde el corazón de nuestro Obispo a los corazones de los sacerdotes, diáconos, hombres consagrados y laicos de la Diócesis, los llama a que se armen en la batalla espiritual", dijo Mike Phelan, Director de la Oficina de Matrimonio y Respeto a la Vida de la Diócesis de Phoenix.

"Con esta promulgación de 'Firme en la Brecha', pedimos que San Miguel, Príncipe de los Cielos, este con nosotros en la batalla y San Gabriel, Mensajero de Dios, que nos ayude llevar la Buena Nueva del Evangelio al mundo entero," enfatizo Phelan, "y que nos prepare San Rafael, Compañero angélico y Sanador, a ser parte de la sanación de Dios con los heridos de nuestro tiempo."

La Diócesis Católica Romana de Phoenix fue establecida el 2 de diciembre de 1969, por el Papa Pablo VI. Bajo el liderazgo del Reverendísimo Thomas J. Olmsted, más de 1.1 millón de Católicos hacen de esta diversa, vibrante y fiel diócesis su hogar.

Contacto con los Medios
Robert DeFrancesco
Director de Comunicaciones
(602) 354-2130



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Friday, September 25, 2015

POW MIA Recognition Day Ceremony

Thanks to the generous invitation of Principal Charlene Roll, this was the 2nd year that we have conducted the ceremony.
The video is mostly of the 2014 Ceremony with some images from the 2015 Ceremony. May we never forget the sacrifices made by the men & women of our Armed Forces and their families


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Arizona Knights of Columbus Stand In Solidarity With Our Popes, Bishops, and Priests!


Our Arizona Bishops and Sir Knights greet Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict!

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Vivat Jesus!

Larry Becker
State Deputy
Arizona State Council

Saturday, September 19, 2015

KofC Silver Rose Hand-off from State of Arizona to Jurisdiction of Utah

After nineteen days in in the State of Arizona and being viewed by more than 7,000 people, the Silver Rose has moved on to the State of Utah.


Last night at Immaculate Heart of Mary church in Phoenix following a rosary and mass the Silver Rose was handed-off to the Jurisdiction of the State of Utah’s Silver Rose Chairman Gregory Werking.


Vivat Jesus,

Robert (Bob) Julien, PGK, PFN

2015 Arizona Silver Rose Chairman



POW/MIA Remembrance Day Ceremony - Tucson

POW/MIA Remembrance Day Ceremony
Sir Knights of the Fr Henry Miller Assembly 2308 in Tucson, AZ hosted the 2nd Annual POW/MIA Remembrance Day Ceremony September 18, 2015. The UofA Navy & Marine Corp ROTC Midshipmen conduct the Table Ceremony under the direction of Capt. Nick Radloff, USAF. A Special thanks to Principal Roll for allowing the Knights to conduct the ceremony..

#1 A beautiful day to remember the sacrifices made by the men & women of our Armed Forces, especially the Prisoners of War and those who return home we still wait for... Flag flying over the Four Chaplains Memorial in the School Courtyard...

#3 Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School Principal Mrs Charlene Roll introduces the event and discusses the importance of the day and sacrifices made by the men and women of the US Armed Forces to keep us free.

#5 Principal Roll & Ceremony Emcee SK Robert Roll behind the center table filled with symbolism...

#7 Color Guard of KofC Assembly 2308 present the colors

#8 Color Guard member SK Chris Mayer

#9 The table full of symbolism... the White Table Cloth symbolizes the purity of their intention to respond to their country's call to arms so that their children could remain free...Remember...

#10 The Bible represents the strength gained through faith to sustain those lost from our Country...

#11 A Slice of Lemon reminds us of their bitter fate if we do not bring them home... The Glasses are Inverted because they can not toast with us tonight- maybe tomorrow, if we Remember...

#13 Major Dale Richardson, US Army... Missing in Action 1970, Recovered and buried with full military honors in 2015...

#15 Remember... The United States Marine Corp...

#17 Remember... The United States Navy...

#19 Bell rings to remind us to always Remember their sacrifices.... Future Knight Billy Barrett rings the bell...

#20 Battlefield Cross... Honors all those who have fallen in battle for our Country... Remember...

#21 Midshipmen enter holding the hats of the branches of the US Military- Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard...Remember...

#23 Circling the table... SK Captain Nick Radloff narrating the Ceremony....

#25 The Lone Candle symbolizes the frailty of a prisoner alone, trying to stand up to his oppressors...Remember... The Single Rose represents the loved ones and families of our comrades in arms who keep the faith and await their return... Remember..

#27 Midshipmen shake Salt on the dinner plates to symbolize the families' tears as they wait and Remember...

#28 Capt Radloff extinguishes the Lone Candle at the end of the Ceremony...

#27 Worthy District Marshall Drew Mansager plays Amazing Grace on the Bag Pipes...

#100 Color Guard retrieves the the Colors...

#103 Colors have been retired...

#107 Group Photo of all of those who made this Special Event possible for the students at Saints Peter & Paul Catholic School in Tucson AZ